Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» How come little donny dealmaker couldn't get his MAJORITY HOUSE trumpicans to fund his wall in the two years he had the upper hand?
If he had the majorities in the House and Senate, he should have been able to get his wall. In fact, there were a couple of bi-partisan bills that would have given him more than what he's asking for now, but they were not brought to the floor for a vote.
How can two nodding bobble heads betray anything? They didn't skirt around Trump's back-and-forth about something about the National Emergency? Or maybe they didn't handle the shut-down good enough to satisfy the voters? I mean they stood back and let Trump rule. We know Ryan was dyin. To get out of that position. He was gunning for an exit the minute he was made Speaker. He is a slime. Just like his slime boss. This is how they operate.
If you have noticed what Nancy Pelosi does? That is how a REAL SPEAKER BEHAVES. She takes a stand that others get behind. She does not kotow to TRUMP. She does not follow a dictator.
So why does he persist in blaming Dems for his lack of success? His own peeps refused to give him what he wanted. Why should Dems? Stupid dumbs believe Dems are at fault. SIGH. Thank you for your reply.
This post was edited by RosieG at February 24, 2019 10:07 AM MST
Pelosi refused to negotiate. They have control of the House. So now it is their fault. Before it was the establishment. They do not want to fix it...they want to continue to use it as a campaign issue for another 30yrs.
Trust me plenty of people were complaining about Ryan and McConnell. So glad Ryan is gone.
Let's just do this off-the-cuff. His sycophants are not as powerful as everyone thinks they are. He has enough sycophants to delay and clog issues. That is all he has. Obviously. Otherwise, the wall would be built and he would be glorious in his ability to dazzle and demand action.
He has nothing. He is clogging up the system. That is all. He is making everyone who opposes him look bad because he spends all his time lying about every claim his detractors have against him.
He has Mitch McConnell. There is no better answer than taking a hard look at this total incompetent.
He and Jeff Sessions have set the bar so low that it is hard to imagine worse replacements for these insane, clown puppets.
The emergency isn't illegal immigration, the emergency is that the House is no longer packed with toadying yes-men all willing to kiss his a$$. Now the House majority wants to KICK his a$$, so he has a problem.