If your dog or cat had opposable thumbs what new tricks would you teach them?
If my dog had opposable thumbs I would teach him to flick a Bic lighter whenever I sing so that I would feel like a rock star. Cheers and happy weekend!
I would teach my cat how to get his own breakfast and clean his litter tray so he does not try to get me up so early in the morning. Cats would take over the world if they had opposible thumbs and would be our masters.
I live in south eastern Scotland on the coast, but know Inverness very well. I will be in Banff this summer for the first time. I spend a week every June in Braemar, which is up in that part of the world.
Not much, with opposable thumbs they could open up the Treat Jar. Consequently I would be up on charges for having overwieght Labradors and my retirement savings would be drained.
Now possibly I might be convinced to teach them to open a bottle of wine
I have parakeets. I am certain they can do just about anything with those feet of theirs. However....GETTING them to do anything unless they want to is beyond my ability.