They are robotic docile obedient automatons. The living dead. The Bubonic Plague centuries ago killed hundreds of thousands of people...maybe millions..a lot. Is this our future for all time? The "new normal" for hapless witless once-upon-a-time humans who LET THIS HAPPEN to them?
Are you familiar with Zoroastrianism D? When people die the bodies are placed in high places like the tops of mountains to be food for whatever comes along. Years ago I did a study of comparative religions for an architect for whom I worked at the time. At first Zoroastrianism horrified me. But then I thought "ashes to ashes dust to dust". Life is a circle of birth, life, death. Why bury a body or burn it(burning it is a sacred ritual for those who believe in reincarnation). They believe they release the spirit/soul from this life's body to be available to go into the next life. Of course once you reach perfection and have no more lessons to learn you move beyond life to another plane of existence which is pure energy. Being reborn means you still have things to learn. It is rather like a punishment or maybe a chance to learn what you did not learn in prior lifetimes. Beautiful in its own way. Then there are those who believe in the RAPTURE and they will be whisked up to Heaven by God because they are so Christiany. Among them are racists I'm sure so that belief is more than a little bit dodgy! Thank you for your reply D! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at February 24, 2019 7:21 AM MST