Depending on the country, many, if not most, acts of patriotism in nations around the world are genuine. People are proud of their countries and like to show their support. However, many people have also found some of the more organized and epic displays to be forced, possibly even fake. In 2015, Arizona Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake published a report saying that these worries may be well-founded in the US.
Their report concluded that the Department of Defense had spent millions of dollars to have various sports organizations put on enormous shows of love of country at times. This included several teams in the National Football League, Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, the National Hockey League, and Major League Soccer. NASCAR and the athletic departments of several universities also participated.
In theory, these overwhelming displays of American pride would drive up military recruiting. But nothing has definitely shown that this worked. The NFL also agreed to refund much of the money used for activities unrelated to recruiting.
14) Nayirah's Testimony Was False
One of the most iconic events leading up to the Gulf War was the testimony by a girl identified simply as “Nayirah” before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in 1990. The stories she told about the treatment of Kuwaitis by the invading Iraqis horrified members of Congress and many Americans in general. This included the terrible deaths of newborn babies.
Although many people (including newborn babies) did die horrifically following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, Nayirah’s testimony, which was not given under oath, was made up. In fact, the young girl was really the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. The event was set up as part of a public relations campaign called Citizens for a Free Kuwait that was run by an American consulting company then known as Hill & Knowlton.
15) International elite gather regularly.
The idea of world power players gathering together behind closed doors to discuss how to run the world is perhaps considered the most outrageous of all conspiracy theories. Except that it really happens every year, at least among American and European leaders. Known as the Bilderberg meetings, the event actually has an official website.
The first event of this kind took place in 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg in The Netherlands. Although the guest lists for these meetings are typically not a secret, the discussions that take place are. Past guests have included monarchs, high-ranking politicians, senior military officials, economic leaders, and powerful journalists.
16) The CIA controlled journalists and media, (Operation Mockingbird).
Nowadays, there are few things quite so polarizing as the media and the possibility of “fake news.” Journalists are often seen as either dedicated truth seekers or partisans trying to push an agenda with little to no room in-between. There seems to be no question, however, that the media was controlled as a tool by political operatives at one time (at least).
The first account of a Central Intelligence Agency initiative called “Operation Mockingbird” was a claim in a 1979 biography of Washington Post owner Katharine Graham. Allegedly, the program paid or threatened movers and shakers of many, if not all, of the most popular news outlets in America as a response to the Soviet Union engaging in similar practices with the European media.
While the specific existence of Operation Mockingbird remains a mystery, it has been confirmed that the CIA did (and possibly still does) engage in these types of activities.
17) The US Government planned to commit domestic terrorism and blame Cuba.
Designated as Operation Northwoods, the proposed plan would have seen US operatives committing atrocities such as sinking boats containing Cuban refugees and hijacking planes. The idea was that the American public would be so outraged that most would be very willing to support going to war with Cuba.
18) The state Department was infiltrated by Communists.
McCarthy became a prominent member of the US Senate during the Cold War, using tactics that are now looked upon with shame. (However, many acts mistakenly assigned to him were actually done by the House Un-American Activities Committee.)
He eventually chaired the powerful Committee on Government Operations. It is now known as the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and is now chaired by Wisconsin Republican Ron Johnson.
Although McCarthy’s claims of widespread Soviet infiltration in the US government were generally viewed as discredited after his popularity declined, evidence has been made public over the following decades that seem to prove his ideas.
Perhaps the most famous example would be the files of the Venona project, made public in 1995. Among those implicated in the files was prominent State Department official Alger Hiss.
19) Big Brother state: NSA and GCHQ International surveillance.
Ex US National Security Agent Edward Snowden revealed that the government was monitoring the communications of people all over the globe.
Big political leaders such as France’s president François Hollande and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel were affected as well as millions of regular citizens.
20) Tuskegee Study: Injecting impoverished black men with syphilis.
Between 1932 and 1972 the United States Public Health Service gave 400 poor African-American men syphilis in order to monitor its progression. The aim was to see if the fatal disease behaved differently in black and white men. The men were given wrong and potentially dangerous treatments and medication was sometimes withheld altogether in order to learn more about the STD. Initially supposed to last just six months, the study continued for 40 years. Only 74 of the men were still alive by the end and shockingly 40 wives and 19 children had also contracted the disease as a result.
21) Watergate
Richard Nixon was forced to stand down after revelations that he had known about the spying on the Democratic National Headquarters.
In 1974 astonishing audio recordings were discovered proving that Republican officials were spying on the Democratic National Headquarters in full knowledge of then-President Richard Nixon. The scandal rocked the whole world and resulted in President Nixon becoming the first US President in history to step down from his office.
22) CIA smuggling cocaine
Gary Webb published his investigation into drug dealing street gangs and their connection to the CIA.
He alleged that the CIA smuggled cocaine to the CIA-backed Contra in order to profit from the drug sales. The CIA eventually admitted that they were aware that Contra was dealing cocaine in 1998 at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal so the admission went relatively unnoticed. In 2004, Gary Webb was found shot in the head twice, the police concluded that his death was suicide.
23) The Government can control the weather
During the Vietnam War, the CIA would seed the clouds in monsoon season to make it rain even more. The goal of this tactic, which was in use between 1967 and 1972, was to wash out roadways and provoke bad landslides that would prevent the North Vietnamese troops from moving their weapons and provisions.
24) Operation Fast and Furious
Operation Fast and Furious was set up to capture drug dealers.
In 2011 the Obama administration smuggled weapons to Mexican drug cartels in order to trace them back to criminals and capture drug dealers. Known as Operation Fast and Furious, the scheme was uncovered when CBS News found documentation that showed agents at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives discussing how these guns were passed to Mexican gun dealers based in the US.