Discussion » Questions » Politics » Do think, as I do, that the news in the media about all this name-calling, etc. is a big waste of time, when we could discuss what matters?

Do think, as I do, that the news in the media about all this name-calling, etc. is a big waste of time, when we could discuss what matters?

I would like to discuss the financial industry, the pharmaceutical industry, reasons for the Arab Spring that we influenced, globalization and how the main players are keeping the world in chaos, especially in the controlling of food prices. Guess that also has to do with the stock market, Wall Street, and financial systems.

Like I said, there is much to discuss, which is a heck of a lot more important than stupid name-calling.

Tell me what you think.

Posted - August 27, 2016


  • 1615

      August 27, 2016 9:27 AM MDT

  • Oh dear me, no.  Nobody can discuss those things - you might start to realise how badly you're getting screwed and how little your elected representatives give a toss about you.  That would never do.

    And anyway, they're just too busy.  All that money doesn't raise itself you know and it's almost a full time job in itself.  What?  Pay people to do it for them?  That won't work - our focus group research indicates donors expect the personal touch for all that lovely cash and speaking to an underling just isn't reassuring enough.  They want to know their bribe investment will bring them the expected benefits and it would be unfair to expect them to do that for nothing.  That's not donating, that's giving money away!

    All in all, it's much simpler, quicker and easier to understand for the proletariat if we just behave like we're all 9 years old.  That way, we don't get our mad ideas challenged or even properly scrutinised, which is much more fun than having egos being challenged all over the place.

      August 27, 2016 10:59 AM MDT

  • 19937

    I think the reason politicians don't discuss these issues is because in order to fix the problems, they would have to actually begin to think about the residents of this country and not themselves.  One glaring example is when you consider the seriousness of the Zika virus and the need for additional funds to be provided to the states to deal with this problem, and you see Congress refusing to give up a couple of vacation days to serve the public interest on just this one issue alone, you realize that the U.S. is being run by a bunch of charlatans.  Our politicians spend half their terms campaigning. 

      August 27, 2016 12:25 PM MDT

  • 1523


      August 27, 2016 4:53 PM MDT