Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "One man's food is another man's poison. One man's trash is another man's treasure". VERY TRUE. Isn't little donny dingbat a great example?
NO. He has lots of guts. No other President has gone about making deals with world leaders like The Dingbat. He must have tremendous charm. I heard him refer to Kim Un as 'The Great Leader' in front of N.Korean people.
For you he is a treasure bh. I get that. For me he is trash. You don't get me obviously. Your view is all that matters to you. Well ditto for me. What you think is what you cannot help thinking. What I think is what I cannot help thinking. So what? What is true for thee is false for me and vicey versy. So what? Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday.
This post was edited by RosieG at February 28, 2019 6:32 AM MST
If you are referring to our current president I would not consider him either "trash" nor "treasure" but he is just a normal guy trying to make it in this world by playing a big game. Which most of us shy away from. There are many admirable things about him and things to appreciate. Not if you do not appreciate him at all maybe you just don't know people very well. He is of a certain type and they are hard on themselves and hard often on everyone else but they make a place for themselves nonetheless. Which I can admire. He is very capable of the social skills but feels he needs to be a hardass and shoot from the hip. Which is not the way a lot of us were brought up. But at certain times and in certain places, with certain people it becomes pretty necessary to get things done. So I can deplore some of his behavior while admiring his dream and goals and accomplishments.