Afraid we'd see how dumb the 'stable genius" really was/is/will always be. Why else sue a school if they release your grades? Seriously. WOULD YOU SUE A SCHOOL THAT RELEASED YOUR GRADES?
You don't get to run for President and sue. You are not a private citizen any more. You are hired by us and we need to see everything. EVERY THING. OKAY???? You got no leg to stand on. He is hiding. NO OTHER REASON
That is not the law. But of course, it would also apply to Dem Presidents as well if it were. Do you know President Obama's education records are all sealed?
What I'm wondering is were the schools saying that they were going to release the records or did Trump figure he better start threating them in case they ever tried to do it. If Trump did figure he better make sure the records never come out there is a reason and I figure the reason would be that the records would show he's not the genius he clams to be. Anyway like his taxes we will probably never see his school records so we will have to figure it out for our self's. If we could find out how long it took Donald Trump to complete his education and it turns out he completed it in the average amount of time then we could assume he's not a genius because a genius would probably do it in half the time. Cheers!
He lies all the time about everything and then he threatens those whom he can't otherwise control. He is a major cowardly chickengirlyman who swoons when he sees a shirtless Putin riding a horse. I mean that's what this guy is Nanoose. Expecting him to be what he isn't is a fool's errand. Thank you for your reply! :)
She is all about WHATABOUT Sharon. But to be fair she isn't the only one. Others of her political beliefs are also always WHATABOUTS. It is part of the way they operate. Thank you for your reply.
I graduated in the top 10% of my class, so I've got nothing to hide. My birth certificate has been a matter of public record for sixty seven years. Nothing to hide there either. I'm not inclined to sue the Board of Education or the County Board of Health.