Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When people say to you directly " LOOK IT UP" do you take it as a helpful suggestion,a request or as an insult? Why?
There was a guy on ANSWERBAG who replied "GOOGLE IT" to every question I ever asked. I patiently explained to him that GOOGLE did not engage in two-way conversations which was the point of my asking the question of multiple human beings. He never bought it. He was rigid cut-and-dried unimaginative and an uninventive person. So to you I say I know HOW to Google. I don't need direction or suggestion. I do very much appreciate links that I can click onto to find out more about a subject. That is being helpful. LOOK IT UP is not. I also know what I am after when I ask a question better than anyone who answers it. I make the choice. The choice should be mine don't cha think? At any rate "LOOK IT UP" is terse and dismissive and somewhat condescending. That is how I take E. It may not be how you INTEND it but how does that matter to me? I only know what I perceive it to be and I told you what that is. I am not a mind reader. So if you say LOOK IT UP to me futurely I will know you don't give a rat's a** how I am going take it. Which is your right. I wouldn't advise it. I'm just sayin' it ain't friendly Mcgee. Thank you for your reply. SIGH.
This post was edited by RosieG at March 3, 2019 7:43 AM MST
I'm not talking about here (except for pearl). It is usually aimed at my smart-a** sister, who thinks she knows everything. Also I used to say it to my stepdaughter, but she got smart and started looking things up, then asking me questions and opinions about it. We always have good debates.
Sorry sweetie. I got "look it up" from another person a couple of days ago and I went off on him. A friend no less if you can believe that? Sheesh. I asked a question about spoofing today and included all I learned from the FCC with whom I spoke in DC. Amanda, the gal I spoke with, said 90% of the calls they are getting is about spoofing. Boy oh boy. I went from never hearing of spoofing to knowing how prevalent it is with a vicarious virtual trip to D.C. in one day. I am exhausted. But it was well worth the trip because I'm more knowledgeable. Thanks again for giving me the answer you did. It primed the pump! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at March 5, 2019 6:56 AM MST
No - to me it is laziness - they are too lazy to explain something to me. Same thing when they post "links" to explain themselves instead of going into it themselves. Hardly ever look up links - and times I have my computers have contracted viruses.