He was not REBUKED/CENSURED for the Kashoggi dismemberment by the Saudis because he said he believed the Saudi Crown Prince and the King when they said they had nothing to do with it. But is he gonna be censured/rebuked/vilified for his position on Otto Warmbier? Will we kick his corpulent a** for being a jacka** when he said "I will take his word for it" vis a vis Kim who said he knew nothing about Warmbier's torture? Is that finally a bridge too far? A line that even little donny dingbat dare not cross? We shall see what stuff our pols are made of and also what stuff Y'ALL are made of. It's bad enough having a pretend prez who says those gawdawful REPREHENSIBLE UNFORGIVABLE DESPICABLE things. Worse is having American Citizens who believe him. Isn't it?
Otto was returned to America in a coma on life support described by his father as being "a vegetable" and shortly after his return from North Korea died. Little donny dingbat described what Otto went through as being "very bad". He absolved Kim of any knowledge of it because Kim denied it very strongly. Little donny dingbat said a lot of people did a lot of bad things. But he excluded Kim from among them. After all he sez he and Kim "fell in love" and of course you always take the word of those you love over the word of those you don't. Don'tcha?