Following a recipe EXACTLY doesn't ensure luscious or delicious or even edible. At least that is how it seems to be to me. I taste as I cook and adjust.
The following is a stretch I know. Overreach perhaps. So shoot me! :(
How can a person govern a a president...without reading learning trying supporting questioning PATRIOTICALLY 24/7? By PATRIOTICALLY I mean exactly what you think I mean. How can one protect a country that he throws under the bus regularly? How can one defend and preserve a country whose citizens he denigrates demeans derogates insults attacks 24/7? How can one be taken seriously as a " good" leader when he chooses to believe hostile foreign despot dictators rather than his own Intelligence Agencies? It is not possible. What is possible is the care and feeding of a traitor who commits treason as often as he can while his cheering adoring supporters adore him more. SIGH. That's all there is folks. So far so good for TTCF! Looming large is what's to come. A comeuppance of great magnitude. A catastrophic cataclysmic in-depth examination investigation(S) under a microscope of TTCF! Appearing soon at your local theater (TV set). It's gonna be bigger than THE APPRENTICE.