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Do folks cook without tasting? How is that possible? How do you know if the seasoning is perfect or im?

Following a recipe EXACTLY doesn't ensure luscious or delicious or even edible. At least that is how it seems to be to me. I taste as I cook and adjust.

The following is a stretch I know. Overreach perhaps. So shoot me!  :(

How can a person govern a a president...without reading learning trying supporting questioning PATRIOTICALLY 24/7? By PATRIOTICALLY I mean exactly what you think I mean. How can one protect a country that he throws under the bus regularly? How can one defend and preserve a country whose citizens he denigrates demeans derogates insults attacks 24/7? How can one be taken seriously as a " good" leader when he chooses to believe hostile foreign despot dictators rather than his own Intelligence Agencies? It is not possible. What is possible is the care and feeding of a traitor who commits treason as often as he can while his cheering adoring supporters adore him more. SIGH. That's all there is folks. So far so good for TTCF! Looming large is what's to come. A comeuppance of great magnitude. A catastrophic cataclysmic in-depth examination investigation(S) under a microscope of TTCF! Appearing soon at your local theater (TV set). It's gonna be bigger than THE APPRENTICE.

Posted - March 6, 2019


  • 14795
    Both my Nan's cook without tasting I'm pretty sure...maybe not every time though....
    If they cook the exact same meal ,both will taste different and are kind of unique to each of them.....What my mum cooks is slightly different too....
    For some reason there are all unique in their own right....hard to say what one I like the most.....I would score all three 100% ........Its nice to change ,but my mums cooking is something not to be
      March 6, 2019 4:40 AM MST

  • 113301
    I can't relate to anyone who cooks without tasting D. My inadequacy and lack of adventuresomeness I suppose is the underlying cause. It would be like setting out for  destination without any idea how to get there. No GPS. No maps . Just go and keep going until you arrive. That's a bit too dicey for me. I like to plan and check things out and pay attention to every little last thing. Sometimes.. a lot of times..I just go into the kitchen , see what I have, see what I'm hungry for and start cooking. NO RECIPES to follow. I put in a little bit of this, a pinch of that, soupcon of something else and that's how I build soups and stews and casseroles and salads. If I don't taste as I go along I'm not going know what the he** I'm bringing to the table. So I taste and I test and taste and I test so I can assure myself that when Jim takes a bite it will be more than just alright. Now does he ever season what I give him? Sure! He LOVES black pepper so he'll usually add that. I go light on salt figuring we can always add some so he might use a little of that. I do too sometimes. Because as the flavors marry subtle changes occur. For example when you make potato salad you season it just right and then refrigerate. After several hours the potatoes will soak up all the dressing and sometimes require more salt. So we add whatever is lacking as we are eating it.Thank you for your reply and no disrespect intended to anyone. Different strokes for different folks. This post was edited by RosieG at March 6, 2019 8:37 AM MST
      March 6, 2019 5:24 AM MST

  • 14795
    When I drive ,no matter where ,I kind if know where I am get to cities or towns is not that hard.....I do need a-z map or sat Nav to find and actual address though....:) 
      March 6, 2019 8:40 AM MST

  • 6098
    For me the quality of a meal or a dish is not dependent on the seasoning but rather on the basics.  So mostly I don't season at all unless I am trying to make chemical balance.  If I cook, for instance, a piece of cabbage I want to taste and get the health benefits of that piece of cabbage so I see no need to alter the taste with seasonings unless of course I am going for that altered taste as my goal.  So mostly if I taste it is when I am preparing something I am unfamiliar with or sometimes less familiar. 

    I see a president as having very specific duties as far as government is concerned.  Duties which require attention to that particular job.  Otherwise there would be no need for a president at all.  So they have their jobs to do just as we all have if we work.  We elect someone president to take care of those duties.  We don't elect someone just because we are looking for a "leader" to "follow".  That would be pretty shallow and mindless as though somehow we cannot take care of ourselves and we are looking to someone to do it for us. A president may use the position and the media focus that usually goes with it to make suggestions or to offer possible items for legislation.  Our current president has offered some certainly but if congress chooses not to back his proffered legislation then there is nothing he can do. Which is how the system works.  Nothing happens unless people are willing to work together.  If they decide they don't want to work with someone well then that is it.  The choice is theirs.

    Denigrating any elected official as a 'traitor" committing "treason"and accusing them of throwing the country "under a bus" is rather gratuitous don't you think?  Hyperbole at its worst!  However you may choose to do it if you wish.  And have you ever considered that perhaps he does not "trust" intelligence agencies who actively sought to prevent him from being elected president and who subsequently initiated all manner of "investigations", criminal or otherwise, against him in order to undermine his effectiveness as president?  So we must ask whether our intelligence agencies are in fact free from partisanship and whether they care about the best interests of our country or whether they seek only to preserve and increase their own power and interests. 

    Many of us who may not care at all for his personality or some of his methods owe him a debt of gratitude in fact for seeking to preserve and defend this country from those who seek to destroy its historic great institutions of freedom, personal initiative, personal responsibility.  As well as from the illegal  influx of foreigners some of whom negatively affect the quality of life for all the rest of us.   As well as showing respect for the people who choose to work for a living and make a difference rather than demonizing success and branding it as "evil".  And of reiterating that those who choose to have every right to believe in and worship their God.  So from those points of view as well as others he has become a hero to many people. For many of us personal freedom, personal success, and personal faith are the elements that most underlie whatever greatness our country has been able to lay claim to.  However much some may wish to destroy that greatness or seek to destroy one who has gallantly and unselfishly stepped up to protect those things for us. 

    To extend your metaphor perhaps our president cares more about the basics of our greatness than the niceties of seasonings as I seek in my cooking to preserve the health and taste content of the produce I am cooking rather than try to mask or cover or alter them. 
      March 6, 2019 5:37 AM MST

  • 46117
    The president is not cooking without tasting.

    He is playing with cards and does not have a full deck to play with.


    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 6, 2019 9:03 AM MST
      March 6, 2019 9:02 AM MST