I think super stealth missiles pointed at anywhere and everywhere superceedes anything the Chinese come up with unless, of course they choose to blast us all to kingdom come first.
I read the Chinese had "carrier killer" cruise missiles a couple years ago. Stealthy and capable of independently taking evasion to avoid counter missiles/aircraft.
Currently, I would bet on the Chinese. Why? They seem to be pretty good at stealing technology. I mean, how many pieces did they steal of that robot before they got caught trying to steal an entire arm?!?
First of all THERE ARE WAY MORE OF THEM than there are of us Walt. The more ya got the better your chances of winning, right? Secondly I think they are smarter. So they steal from us. Don't we steal from others? I don't know. I'm gonna ask. I bet on the Chinese too. I certainly will never bet on the US with the dingbat don in charge. He is a born loser and infects anything he touches. Thank you for your reply! :) I just Googled the stats Walt and asked a question including them. As of 2017 there were 1.386 BILLION in China and 325.7 Million in the USA. So we are outpeopled by them hugely and bigly and foreverly. How many are scientists and engineers I don't know.
This post was edited by RosieG at March 7, 2019 3:53 AM MST
I would think China is way ahead of everyone Rosie...how much of the worlds consumable do they use up making 70/80 % of everything produced in the world apart form food..... What would happed if they just stopped supplying the world one day...... I know they can't as their country relishes on world wide sales .........but if it did stop ,what effect would that have globally on everyone's lives ?
I Googled the number of people in China versus the number in the US just this morning D. The stats were from 2017! Here they are. 1.386 BILLION Chinese nd 325.7 MILLION Americans. No contest. I agree with thee. Their leaders BELIEVE in science you see whereas our dingbat don does not. I think the world survivability would tank if everything sourced by China STOPPED. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee! :)