If I forgot my phone. Once I went all the way to the grocery store and back without it. Yes, true story, and I survived. hahahahaha When my vehicle won't start and I have an appointment in 45 minutes will cause a tad bit of panic.
Lately, it's been because I can't talk to my Dad. I live about 400 miles away from him and he's been in the hospital. He's been moved from the hospital to rehab and I didn't get to talk to him for two days. I did today so, I'm good until the next time he doesn't answer the phone.
We talked about your dad before :) I was wondering how he’s doing, but I know upset you last time was brought up. Luv’ you Jo’ . Nothing I can say make it better, but I know it’s hard.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 7, 2019 8:03 PM MST
I don't like not knowing what to expect. I'm a planner, and when things are completely up in the air, I'm not comfortable.
Some people call that being a control freak, and I guess in a way, that's true. But it's not like I need to be in control of others or even of the plans, I just need to know what they are!!
A bunch of kids in their 20's controlling my paycheck.
I have to obey kids. That really drives me into a tizzy.
They run the spa and they know what they are doing (half the time)
I have to answer to kids who never went to school for massage and have zero idea what we go through
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 8, 2019 8:58 AM MST
I don't mind the AGE. They can be very competent. They just have NO experience. And that is not the way to run a company.
But I don't have a problem working with any one any age as long as it is on equal footing. But this bunch owns my check. They can get me fired. That kind of political nonsense. It is kind of like working in a restaurant and being a waiter. If you are not in with the COOKS? You are screwed. Same here. I have to make them LIKE me.
Thinking that we might have to suffer through 6 more years of King Trump! That makes me want to go back to my Canadian roots! (Please leave a light on for me ...)