Discussion»Questions»Science and Technology» Can someone please explain the biology behind the creation of twins, triplets, etc, identical as well as non-identical?
Basically the woman's body removes them in several ways just a our bodies defend against a bacteria or virus. Mucus layers and the immune system. Of about 200,000 only 200 will even reach the egg.
It starts with dinner when two people are feeling a bit Randy. Wine, dinner and the evening progress's. Viola the EPT stick about a month later shows you got lucky, or unlucky depending on ones point of view.
You either have multiple eggs meeting with sperm, or the egg splits into twos or threes. Your first clue is the meeting with the Ob and the ultra sound. We had the two eggs meeting the sperm.......
Alternative method is the Petri Dish conception and implanting multiple eggs hoping one sticks to the womb, in a lot of cases multiple eggs stick.