I was always a LONER never a joiner. Not my cuppa tea.
One exception. In Junior College I joined a sorority. Why? Just to see if I could. I don't know why to this day. I was a LOUSY member. Got along okey dokey. But each day at lunch time they'd meet "at the wall" on the campus of Pasadena City College. It was kinda mandatory. Guess who didn't show up? SIGH.
We did have fun at the campus-based sorority and fraternity parties. Harmless fun by today's standards. The big deal was a keg of beer. Now who knows?
And for Easter week one year we had a blast. We rented a house in Laguna Beach as did some of the other sororities and fraternities on campus. We all hung out together and watched out for one another. I have to tell you that was absolutely the most fun time I've ever had being a joiner. I remember it fondly. I was 17 at the time. Honestly. I really was 17 once upon a time!
Confessions of a self-professed LONER. We all have skeletons in our closets right? That is mine! Belonging to a sorority for heaven's sakes! Me! Seriously?
What skeleton(s) do you have in YOUR closet(s)? Wanna share?