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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What the RICH educationbuying cheating lying parents did TO their kids will harm more than what they did to "help" FOR their kids. What now?

What the RICH educationbuying cheating lying parents did TO their kids will harm more than what they did to "help" FOR their kids. What now?

They will try to buy their way out of this mess just as they always do. Money fixes everything. That's all they know. So they will continue buying buying and lying lying and money will overcome. This too shall pass. Grease the right palms..find the most greedy seedy needy dishohorable despicable disreputable SOB and you too will survive thrive and be home free. .Ain't money great?. SIGH

Posted - March 13, 2019


  • 34963
    And she said she has no sympathy for the kids  (parents involved)...another case of she should have just stayed quiet.

    (Edited to correct..she did not say kids) This post was edited by my2cents at March 14, 2019 9:48 AM MDT
      March 14, 2019 8:54 AM MDT

  • 46117

    How DARE you?  HOW DARE YOU.

    SHE has done more for this country in a year than any moron on your side ever has done for ANY one.

    She has exposed you.  YOU AND that fake Doctor who runs the Health Department.  You and that fake president who locks kids up in cages and turns his head.  

    THAT IS NOT CARING ABOUT KIDS.   NOT Elizabeth Warren.  Not caring about kids is someone who lies about her and then defends the person who locks them up.  THAT IS NOT CARING ABOUT KIDS.  THAT.  


    NOT ELIZABETH.   Who will EXPOSE your idols.

      March 14, 2019 9:08 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Would guess we were around long before we ever heard of her. As was Pres. Trump. She only succeeds in exposing and embarrassing herself. Only in the great state of Massachusetts could someone like that be elected.  Oh I live there btw. People here tend to be so content and assured of their futures and those of their children they don't care if the world falls to rubble around them - as long as they can have someone they elected doing "good" in their name.  Which I guess is a privilege of the content and assured. Its all about salving their consciences - not that they have done anything wrong but they just don't even like the idea that anyone in the world can do anything wrong or that anyone has to suffer.  So we get Liz Warren. Who really exists and I hope she enjoys her life and what she is doing.  Because what she is doing  even if in the name of some kind of "good" - can't help but hurt a lot more people. 
      March 14, 2019 9:29 AM MDT

  • 46117
    n the afternoon of July 18, in remarks from the Rose Garden amid the bruising showdown with congressional Republicans over the debt ceiling, President Obama made what the White House billed as a simple “personnel announcement.” In a brief speech, the president announced that he was nominating Richard Cordray, the former attorney general of Ohio, to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the new government agency set up to protect consumers from abusive lending practices. In his remarks he described the agency, part of the massive 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, as creating “the strongest consumer protections in history,” set up “so ordinary people were dealt with fairly.” After which he turned to thank the woman standing to his right, Elizabeth Warren.

    This is what PEOPLE WHO COUNT think of Elizabeth Warren.  FACTS of what she stands for. FACTS.  OF WHAT SHE IS.

    She is not a fake bone spur income tax hiding grade hiding moron of a liar.  

    She is a Harvard Professor.  She knows more about economics than ANY PERSON IN CONGRESS.  

    She is EFFECTIVE and she sheds TRUTH and LIGHT upon all your baloney.


      March 14, 2019 9:34 AM MDT

  • 6098
    That so-called "Consumer Bureau" was Warren's work and she pushed and politciked for it. The purpose of "Dodd-Frank" (and I should mention that Barney Frank was another of our MA bigmouths who believe or not I once supported years ago) as well as that Consumer Bureau was to harass and nationalize private banking and business. And just look at how many businesses  its tentacles have caused to fail. The idea being to burden them with so many silly regulations that it would no longer be profitable to operate. This is part of the legacy of Obamanation.  Fortunately some of us have actually many of us have come up with ways to both satisfy the liberals and get around them at the same time.  If Warren knew anything about economics she would not have made a total fool of herself in her plans and projects.  Yes she taught at Harvard but doubt she would know much at all about starting and running any business. Because she is all "pie-in-the-sky" and deals not in the way things are but only in the way she thinks they should be.  So she has no idea where money comes from - she thinks it grows on trees apparently. Trees owned by the government.  Anyone in business selling hot dogs on any corner knows that is not true.  Yes she does care about "truth and light" but that is all.  Oh and "victims" too - she wants us all to be victims she can manipulate rather than allowing us to make it ourselves.  I want to like her because I think she could be very likable and I think on one level she wants to be liked.  But as long as she is only into "truth and light" I fear she will continue along the way she has been.   I guess as I think she is only hurting more people than she could ever help then I must not "count" either. Which I know I don't anyway!  So don't have to be told that. 
      March 14, 2019 10:02 AM MDT

  • 34963
    I edited above. She did not comment on the kids at all just the parents.

    arren will not expose me. I have nothing to expose. I have no idols. 
      March 14, 2019 9:50 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Elizabeth Warren?  PLEASE SHOW ME THIS ONE.  It cannot be from FOX news. It cannot be from some lying moron.  I want PROOF of your nonsense.  

    This is not a Hillary LOCK her up moment for you guys.,  THIS IS ME.  I am not going to relent on this one.  YOU DARE?  PROOVE THIS LIE.
      March 14, 2019 9:04 AM MDT

  • 46117
      March 14, 2019 9:11 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I think he is referring to her "minority" status.  Which was very unfortunate and I think she has suffered enough for.  She makes herself look foolish enough just being herself she doesn't also need that against her. 
      March 14, 2019 9:19 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I have to go.  I have an engine check light on my car and then off to work.  I'll try and find you tonite
      March 14, 2019 9:59 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Thank you. No do you think I want to do this evenings as well?  That is OK.  We have had our respective says thanks to this site. 
      March 14, 2019 10:04 AM MDT

  • 46117
    NO SWEETNESS.  I did not ASK.  I am telling.  You started this convo.  I am not done.  I AM NOT.  I don't care if you come back.  I am not done.  I have to GO NOW.  I WILL BE BACK.  You don't care?  THAT IS RICH. That will be the first time you stop LOL
      March 14, 2019 10:06 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Office, if you don't know me by now?  You are safe.  I have the attention span of a gnat.  Just funnin with ya
      March 14, 2019 10:17 AM MDT

  • 34963

    Elizabeth Warren claimed her race was "American Indian" on a registration card for the State Bar of Texas in 1986, The Washington Post has found through an open records request.

    From The Washington Post:
    Using an open records request during a general inquiry, for example, The Post obtained Warren’s registration card for the State Bar of Texas, providing a previously undisclosed example of Warren identifying as an “American Indian.”

    [...]Warren filled out the card after being admitted to the Texas bar. Warren was doing legal work on the side, but nothing that required bar admission in the state, according to her campaign.

    The date coincided with her first listing as a “minority” by the Association of American Law Schools. Warren reported herself as minority in the directory every year starting in 1986 — when AALS first included a list of minority law professors — to 1995, when her name dropped off the list.

    Warren also had her ethnicity changed from white to Native American in December 1989 while working at the University of Pennsylvania. The change came two years after she was hired there.

    Several months after Warren started working at Harvard Law School in 1995, she okayed listing her ethnicity as Native American. Harvard listed Warren as Native American in its federal affirmative action forms from 1995 to 2004, records show.
      March 14, 2019 10:08 AM MDT

  • 46117
    This paltry bid for her total incompetence and GOP excuse to deny her validity towards ALL she has accomplished since this one document that in effect, means zilch?

    Look what she has exposed.  NOT the fact that she wanted to be an American Indian.  Or why she thought she was entitled to do this.  

    I think it is a big deal.  I think it makes her look bad.  HOWEVER, she is not bad.  She is honest.  And she is brilliantly effective in exposing all the fraud and graft and history of corruption regarding everyone she "prosecutes" in Congress.

    Do you at least agree with me on that?  She said she was an Indian.  She was NOT.  I conceed.  Do you think that makes her totally ineffective even though she has proven herself to be more than competent over and over again?  Really?   What else you got?  BECAUSE SHE HAS GOT PLENTY ON EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF TRUMP'S ADMINISTRATION.  GRAFT AND CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM.
      March 14, 2019 10:28 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Thank you, I have heard about that for years but had never seen the documentation.  Among a host of other things it speaks as well of our trying to be something other than what we are because we always tend to think what we are is not good enough.  I guess I feel sort of bad for her she felt she had to do that.  Still it hurts not only herself but American Indians.  Very sad. 
      March 14, 2019 10:35 AM MDT

  • 46117
    That's it.  That is all you need.  

    This is so lame.  

    You have a guy that lies with every sentence that comes out of his lying mouth and this is what you have.  WOW. Elizabeth Warren is a shaken in her booties.

    FIRST OF ALL LADIES... this came out already?  I think she is aware of this?  I think maybe you might hear what she has to say about this before you just condemn her for this faux pas?

    She is running anyway.  She is brilliant.  She must know what she will say about this.  YA THINK?  Don't you think she has more to talk about than all Trump's baloney?  I do. I think she will EXPOSE him for the scammer he is as she has done so far.  

    This will be about as effective in bringing her down as Obama's birther accusations.  Won't work.
      March 14, 2019 11:04 AM MDT

  • 34963
    The point is that she had the gall to say she had zero sympathies for the parents who lied to advance the children's educational careers. Yet she did the same thing herself (not her parents) to advance her career. 

    Personally, I would never vote her. Her policy positions do not align with mine. Indian or white privileged woman makes no difference to me.
      March 14, 2019 11:41 AM MDT