Funnee honey. Yeah. Many of them E. They're called rules regulations laws standards and EDUCATION! You want to be an astrophysicist? Well that "book" is very different from the one you read if you want to be a composer or an athlete or an astronaut. Going "by the book" also means you do not innovate. You do not go outside the box. You stay within the lines. Take being prez for example. The so-called one we have today does NOTHING by-the-book Wanna know why? He HATES to read. So everything he does he does by winging it. Not everyone's cuppa tea. There's a question here that is demanding to be asked so I shall. Thank you for your question. Did I answer it?.
Okey dokey D. What the he** is an ANNUAL MANUAL? Inquiring minds wanna know these things! Thank you for your reply! Are there semi-annual manuals or biannual manuals that also pique your interest?
Have you E? Good golly miss molly of course I haven't! Little miss D continually perpetually emphatically mystifies me. That is a large part of the draw AND HER CHARM. Did you know we (she and I) once had a VERY LENGTHY conversation over many days' time on the subject of HANDS? I kid thee not. She was super serious and drew for me a mental visual of how lovely her mother's hands are. Now you tell me can you see thee and me having THAT conversation? Of course you can't. It would never happen. So I treasure D for the very reason that she constantly surprises me. Not that you don't. It's just that you are usually brief succinct even terse or worse. She isn't. Another delight. Did I answer your question? Shall I continue to list the ways D delights? Thank you for your question and well he** Happy St. Paddy's Day Sunday to the E! :) Your turn to wax poetic about her.
This post was edited by RosieG at March 17, 2019 9:35 AM MDT
Hahahahahaha! What kind of oil D? The healthiest oils are olive, avocado, canola. I hope you chose one of those! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee! :) ((hugs))
Olive Oyl? She was a real looker wasn't she? Jim likes extra-virgin olive oil. I prefer LIGHT. I cannot stand the taste of it. I use Canola oil more often and I also like Avocado oil though it is VERY PRICEY! Thank you for your reply D! :)
I'm sure I read not that long ago that much of oils labeled "Olive Oil" is mostly relabled Canola oil or a mixture....I'm sure if you googled it ,it would tell you that...:(
I watched a program on that very thing honey. Also how much fish is "mislabeled". Fake is everywhere. They give you cheaper and call something else so they gouge you for it. Gonna ask. Thank you for your reply D! :)
We don't truste and large company ,bank or insurance companies Rosie.....they are the biggest lairs and cheats ever and steal trillions of pounds/ dollars or our money..... Like everything in life Rosie , it's no crime if you are rich and powerful and have systematically robbed the public for years..... Commit a trival parking offence and you hounded to the day you die... In yesteryear in Englang hanging was a poor person punishment....pick up an apple from a field ot take a loaf of bread and you were hanged ....
The wealthy and powerful only got executed for Treason.....
Do you think things work out as they are meant to be D? I've often wondered if we just think we are in charge and all we do is follow the script others wrote for us? How would we know? It is just is so patently unfair. You'd think fair-minded folks would have worked to balance things out and level the playin field but apparently what is is and will always be. So we move on playing the roles written for us? I dunno. Thank you for your reply D! :)
The BBC and Panorama like to give out the impression. that all the News they present to the nation is unbiased and based on being neutral..... Thats the biggest load of lies and crap I've ever heard of Rosie......Both Panorama and BBC News is scripted and how much is lies you will never know..... Just check out Tommy Robinson ....a guy sent to prison for exposing corruption in panorama and the BBC ....The BBC never exposes peadophilles in their ranks....or any other pervert come to that... There are many secret videos that's Tommy made entrapping's pathetic when those he cault try to defend themselves....most always the police do nothing...
What Twins D? Specific or general? Happy St. Paddy's Day Sunday to thee. I'm doing the Corned Beef & Cabbage bit today. Bought a beautiful FLAT CUT corned beef last week. Today is the day we eat it. I also b ought some really good rye bread. This cut of meat is PERFECT. If you were here I'd invite you and your family to join us. Maybe along with that some steamed broccoli? I don't know. I'll figure that part out. Maybe a spinach salad? We need some greens to go along with the main dish. Thank you for your reply. I know what a Manual is of course. "Instruction" usually precedes it in the title. Put them together and what have you got bibbedy bobbedy boo! "Instruction Manual"! It's just that "twins" part that I don't get. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at March 17, 2019 9:41 AM MDT