WHAT? "...just pick people at random from a list of eligible citizens." WHAT? You cannot possibly be serious. Unless you specify what exactly constitutes ELIGIBLE and who decides that and who votes on that? Might as well take a voting register from Podunk, wear a blindfold and finger pick the candidates. So you get a guy with an IQ of 80 who is a child molester or an American Nazi. That's random. It is also "eligible" based on what we have today. Not that Don don molested children but how do we know how far his sexual depravity extends and at what age his deviant behavior began? Not that he is member of the American Nazi party. But they support him. Why would they support anyone who was anti-them? I don't like that idea Walt. Not at all. No disrespect intended here. You have your way and I have mine...usually they coincide. In this case not even close! Thank you for your reply! :)