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What is the most bizarre circumstance that someone you knew died in?


Posted - August 28, 2016


  • 3191

    I had a friend who was beaten to death.  Others may not think that "bizzare"...I do.  I cannot fathom how you could actually do such a thing...

      August 28, 2016 6:03 PM MDT

  • 11426

    Well awhile back one of the youth in my community was driving a stolen car while  being chased by the cops on a logging road. Eventually he drove under a metal gate and got decapitated.  It was tragic but maybe it could of been avoided - the rumor was that the cops kept right on his tail but maybe if they would of backed off he would of calmed down and seen the gate (like he was on a logging road that was a dead end so they would of  trapped him eventually).  Cheers! 

      August 28, 2016 6:25 PM MDT

  • 411

    Mmm, your recent questions are death-themed. I don't know you but is everything okay?
    Anyway, I will answer. A classmate in middle school died of a rare heart congenital disease during a friendly soccer match in his neighborhood. Not too bizarre, but that one is the closest to the requested description.

      August 28, 2016 6:44 PM MDT

  • Indeed very, very sad to lose friends this way.

    I fully sympathise with you, Bozette? Beaten for what?

    And where? At home, in the street, at work? 

      August 28, 2016 6:52 PM MDT

  • Thank you for your concern, Oscar. With God's mercy things are fine. I just picked up a theme at random, and the questions flowed.

    Thanks for sharing about your classmate. Was he in school when it happened, or later in life?

      August 28, 2016 6:54 PM MDT

  • 411

    It happened during a weekend, he was still my classmate when it happened. 

      August 28, 2016 6:57 PM MDT

  • Death by accidental decapitation is certainly very, very bizarre. And very, very tragic too. But then, anything can happen in the heat of the moment.

    I'm sure even the police wanted him alive and not thus mutilated, and must have felt remorse. After all, they're humans too.

    Very sad.

      August 28, 2016 6:58 PM MDT

  • Sad to see nice people go young.

    A school friend of mine died at 19 in an emergency landing. She was an air hostess.

      August 28, 2016 7:09 PM MDT

  • 411

    Sorry for your loss.

      August 28, 2016 7:16 PM MDT

  • 275

    A friend of mine that painted houses fell off a ladder while he was painting trim and crushed his windpipe on a cast iron handrail. 

      August 28, 2016 7:18 PM MDT

  • 5808

    car crash

    on freeway

    first thing they found was 

    her hand still clutching to the cell phone

      August 28, 2016 7:40 PM MDT

  • 3191

    It began as a party...

    I knew and had tipped beers with the man who was most responsible for this. That messed with me, how do you reconcile that you partied with the person responsible for your friends death? You don't. But that's a difficult place to get to. My friend was no angel, but he had the biggest heart of anyone you might hope to meet. When he died, he left behind a son.

    That son, two then, just turned eighteen. He never knew his dad, yet I see his dad in him...and were it not for his mom, he would not be the man (yes, at eighteen he is more a "man" then most who I know that claim that title) that he is today.

    Sorry if this is TMI...I was missing my friend.

      August 28, 2016 9:00 PM MDT

  • I understand your feelings. He must be very close to his mom, and very rightly so. 

    Thank you ever so much for sharing. 

      August 28, 2016 9:13 PM MDT

  • Poor man and his family didn't even suspect that that was to be his last day. How very sad!

      August 28, 2016 9:16 PM MDT

  • 3191

    He is, yes.  

    Thanks for listening.  :)

      August 28, 2016 9:34 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I don't have any normal ones.

    You may think I am kidding.  Just wait.

    1.  (not in any order here)  Stabbed to death in face when he moved back to Chicago from Arizona.   Tenant over the bar he worked in was disgruntled and stabbed him to death because he wouldn't turn off the stereo.

    2.  Died of a brain tumor and killed himself in the garage by letting the exhaust fumes kill him.

    3.  Died on toilet because she did not take her blood pressure meds.  Fell off toilet at friend's house.

    4.   Shot herself with her husband-to-be's rifle and called me at work about 2 hours before she did it to ask me to take care of her cat.

    5.  Two suicides from bag over head.

    6. AIDS died at 30

    7. AIDS died at about 30

    8. Died in Viet Nam shot to death I think

    9.  4 brothers all died of tumors in spine

    10. Alcoholism

    I'm not done by a long shot either.

    Speaking of shots.  

    Husband killed wife by shooting her through their bathroom door and then taking an overdose of pain meds because he was due to get his leg amputated the next day.   Those were my boyfriend's parents.   That killed him inside and he died of alcoholism about 10 years later himself.

      August 28, 2016 9:43 PM MDT

  • 46117

    CSV  OH GOD.

      August 28, 2016 9:44 PM MDT

  • 46117

    WOW Baba.  

      August 28, 2016 9:44 PM MDT

  • 2758

    A guy I knew many years ago was working in his yard about 200 feet from the side of the road on the INSIDE of a curve in the highway.  A cow got out from his neighbor's pen, sauntered into the roadway where a speeding truck had to leave the roadway to miss the cow. The driver lost control and went careening into this guy's yard and clipped him off just below his waist even though he should have gone to the outside of the curve given his direction and speed.

      August 29, 2016 1:21 AM MDT

  • 11591

    A 70 year old friend with Parkinson's, in a nursing home. Somehow she slid into a position that caused her to be strangled by the bed rails. I cannot provide any more details than that.

      August 29, 2016 3:52 AM MDT

  • 219

    My parents friend died in the Shoreham air show last year... and the Hawker Hunter Jet lost control and hit him dead on.. he was the last one to be identified and named on the news because there was very little left of him.

    It could have been a double tragedy.. his son was on his way to meet him.  

      August 29, 2016 10:25 AM MDT

  • 219

    Exactly the same thing happened to someone in the year above me at school.  So sad.. taken away far too soon.

      August 29, 2016 12:18 PM MDT

  • 3191

    This question stuck in my head and I recalled another one...a man I knew was decapitated when the cable of his work truck snapped and broke through the rear window as he was sitting in the truck.

      August 29, 2016 12:24 PM MDT

  • 3375

    My dad was good friends with a woman that died alone at home of some sort of sudden stroke.  She wasn't found for three days and it was the middle of August.  She lived in an apartment building and it wasn't until the neighbors complained of the smell that they went to go investigate.  They found her still sitting in a chair with a newspaper in her hands and the TV on.  The imagined sight has always haunted me.  

    I felt so bad for her son.  He went to the apartment when they opened the place up and if it wasn't bad enough seeing his mother decomposing, he had some batty old neighbor of hers yelling at him about the "smell".


      August 29, 2016 12:42 PM MDT