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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We do not hear or see the same things. Why? Because some folks listen better than others so they hear what others miss. Seeing?

We do not hear or see the same things. Why? Because some folks listen better than others so they hear what others miss. Seeing?

Same thing. What is there is there only some see past them some see through them. Very few actually look at them and see them.

People are different. Their reactions are different their attractions are different their interactions are different.

That's a reason why we don't really understand each other because some see and hear everything that's there while others are too busy thinking of other things and so they completely miss the moments others treasure.


Posted - March 26, 2019


  • 46117
    It winds up to be just a dizzying matter of opinion to whomever is listening to the argument.

    How do you prove who is right?  We go round and round.

    We cannot even prove that a criminal is behaving in a criminal manner when that person is the President.  That is how varied opinion can be.  No law. No group in power.  NO ONE can agree on anything anymore as to what is real and what is not.  Or what is right and what is not.  

    This is Alice in Wonderland and we fell down the hole.

      March 26, 2019 10:27 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Exactly. It is disorienting to those of us who find the current prez appalling reprehensible disgusting criminal evil abhorrent deplorable treasonous. We are the antidons. The prodons see the same person but have exactly opposite perceptions. How do we reconcile the two? We don't. It is impossible. What we need is a DEUS EX MACHINA.  A GOD OUT OF THE MACHINE. In other words what we need is a MIRACLE. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sharon. I wonder what gawdawful crap Don don will do/say today?
      March 27, 2019 3:22 AM MDT