How do you react when you WITNESS people who do exactly the opposite of what you want? They go out of their way to cause unhappiness and hate and harm to others consistently constantly endlessly repeatedly belligerently? Thank you for your reply og and Happy Thursday to thee.
This post was edited by RosieG at March 28, 2019 6:23 AM MDT
I don't expect that people are going to do just what I want. They have their own viewpoints and their own ways of looking at things and perhaps their own axes to grind. What they think is helping others and is happiness and contentment. Might not be the same as what I think.
No. I don't wish ill on anyone - whether they wish ill on me or not.
I try to live by Jesus' words - "love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you". Not an easy task, let me tell you! The natural response to someone who wishes you ill is to retaliate likewise (same to you, buddy!) Wishing them well instead just doesn't 'feel right'. I'm not perfect at "loving my enemy"... not by a long shot! There're a lot of 'assoholic' people out there. But nonetheless, I keep trying.
I ignore avoid completely. I don't believe in revenge or retaliation. I find avoidance works best for me. I do not lie down in the mud with pigs and then complain about the dirt the filth the swine. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at March 28, 2019 9:44 AM MDT
Ignoring them is a form of "loving" them. People can be as mean and nasty as they want. But, if no one pays attention to their meanness, it kind of loses its "power". The one who ignores them becomes the better person while they remain "pigs wallowing in their own filth".
SAY WHAT? I am the "better" person for avoiding ignoring? Sheesh are you SURE about that m'dear? I do respect what you say but seriously? All ya gotta do to be the better person is ignore and avoid? Is that true for everything or only "some" things? I'm going to ponder that Shuhak! Thank you for your reply! :)
While it can be true in certain situations, its isn't the case in all.
People "wish ill" on others all the time while driving (gestures, verbal curses, etc.). Some even go out of their way to make it happen (road rage). Who would be the better person - the one who let an incident go or the one who cursed them (and perhaps tried to take retribution)? (While I know there are can be all sorts of different contexts in this example, it's the gist of it I'm after).