Compassion and empathy allow one to walk in another's shoes. NOT role playing. Role playing is "playing" at being another person.
I can put a fake belly on myself to mimic a pregnancy and role play. That hardly gives me any sense of what it is like to be a mom. That is role playi8ng. At best, it opens a door to learn more. I have heard of people dressing in black skin and doing Black Like Me behavior. It does not make them black or even feel like an actual person who is black. It may make them feel alienated. But that is not what it is like to be black. Not really.
Or fat. I have heard of reporters dressing in fat suits and acting like they really get what being fat is like. NO. YOU DON'T. You get to take that off.
So, compassion and empathy for me. Not role playing.
I challenge you to be empathetic and compassionate about BETSY DE VOS! I bet you can't can you? What is there about her that deserves anything but CONTEMPT? Nothing I can imagine or conceive of in this lifetime. She is a worthless OBSCENELY WEALTHY emptyhead BILLIONAIRE. Those are her credentials! Seriously. What's to pity? Thank you for your reply Sharon. What kind of monster defunds the Special Olympics? What kind of evil lurks within that homely body that would allow that? I dunno.
You misunderstand. I am not advocating being this way. I just mean if you want to understand a person and walk a mile in their shoes? Compassion and empathy are a must.
I hate the idea of everything about that vile beast of a woman.
But... there is a REASON she is the cold-hearted feckless you-know-what that she is. Maybe she is a victim of Ivanka Trumpitis.
Maybe she is so shallow and sheltered, she has no clue what a horrid person she actually is, because she is surrounded by people just like her. That doesn't make me like her. It doesn't make me forgive her. It makes me understand how a moron like this could even come to BE.
Yep. Most of the time I'm not great at it, which is why after a wooden performance as Papageno in Die Zauberflöte I only had minor roles (usually with a BIG song but not a lot of acting) thereafter.