GOD doesn't seem to think very highly of the wealthy. GOD seems to think more highly of the poor.
So this is a conundrum wrapped in a mystery encapsulated in the unknown then isn't it? How to reconcile what GOD says with what GOD says and skew it to uplift the wealthy and downlift the poor. Have y'all figgered a way out yet? You sorta gotta hafta don'tcha ya? GOD favors the wealthy according to y'all. HE rains HIS blessings down upon them. HE chooses them to lead. HE calls them to service. YET according to the BIBLE not so much. So where did the wealthy get the idea that GOD is on their side against the poor on whose side the wealthy(rarely) ever are?
If GOD doesn't take sides then why do the wealthy truly believe HE favors them? Wishful thinking? Thinking makes it so? Whistle a happy tune?