Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If it were electrical or electronic in the olden days you'd buy, bring home, plug in and use. Today? HAH! Why is now so complicated?
It's from a mixture of commercial pressure and fashion, mutually-supportive and exploiting a human weakness for wanting always the latest or most "sophisticated". There is nothing new in this of course, but the rate of change is itself accelerating so the effects are far more noticeable.
As you say in another post, logic doesn't enter it....
Here's the thing Durdle. When Jim buys a TV or a phone or printer or whatever it is amazing to me what he has to go through to get it to where we can USE IT! He has to read a ton of instructions. Then he has to PROGRAM IT so it will talk to whatever it needs to talk to so we can use it. You have to be an aeronautical engineer or a genius to figger it out. I'm not either one so I guess I'd have to hire someone to come in install it. Now isn't that ridiculous? Oh. And then AFTER you get it to work you have to troubleshoot if something isn't working right. It seems to me if we could get humans to land on the moon and return alive we should be able to make things that are SIMPLE to operate. OK. I'm done ranting. Thank you for your reply! :)