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In ANCIENT TIMES the people of those times allegedly seemingly apparently knew more than we know now. HOW?

Allegedly there was a GREAT LIBRARY in Alexandria consisting of thousands of books written by many brilliant people containing all the knowledge and history up to that time. Fire destroyed it and with it all the knowledge/wisdom that had accumulated.

There are feats of engineering that occurred THOUSANDS of years ago that present-day engineers/scholars cannot explain or I'm told even duplicate. With all our machinery and technology and state of the art thingies notwithstanding  have we become dumber over time? Will we be completely dumb when our end comes? Is it usual or unusual for a species to dumb down not smarten up over time?. Do they end up dumber when they die than they were when they were born? I dunno. Do you?

Posted - April 2, 2019


  • 13395
    Maybe they were able to develop an intuitive consciousness based upon studying how nature accomplishes  amazing feats of engineering to build various species it creates instead of the math and logic used by modern engineering. 
      April 2, 2019 5:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I wish I knew what really went on way back when. I watch the Science Channel a lot (I think you know that) and my brain just gets boggled when they visit these sites where HUGE monstrously heavy stones are set together in such a way that they have stayed that way for thousands of years. NOTHING is there to hold them together. The shapes of the rocks are placed so perfectly. But there is NO MORTAR. That isn't the most amazing thing.  These rocks or boulders don't exist where they are found. Quarries many many many miles away were apparently the source. How did humans move them so far without any kind of heavy machinery? Once there how did they lift them into place? The engineering and physical labor that would have been needed they cannot figure out to this day. Some say perhaps they were able to tap into some mysterious force having to do with levitation that we know nothing about today? So there you are. No one living then is available to ask so we just wonder how? Thank you for your reply Kg! :)
      April 2, 2019 6:07 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Aliens. I have heard that aliens from another planet brought about this stuff.  Giant flying saucer cranes. Stuff like that. 
      April 2, 2019 6:25 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Actually ... there were multiple Great Libraries.

    I read recently that some of the giant stones used for building ancient wonders ... which we have trouble understanding how the people could build such things ... were actually a type of cement.  So they weren't cutting and hauling massive stone blocks - they were pouring cement.

    Little kids figure out how to build with wooden blocks, so it's not like it's difficult for adults.
    Just because there are no writings left, doesn't mean they didn't have knowledge of counter-weights, winches, etc.
      April 2, 2019 7:23 AM MDT

  • 10771
    Knowledge is varying.  While there are some feats the people from long ago did that we can't, it's also true in reverse.  We fly around in airplanes and have devised devices that have gone to and photographed nearby planets.  Feats our ancestors could only dream about (if that).

    Some knowledge becomes obsolete as we learn new and better ways to do things (vinyl discs to 8-track tapes to cassette tapes to CD's to "the Cloud" to...?)  When you want to communicate, do you chisel out hieroglyphics on a rock or do you to use paper or even the internet (email, IM, etc.)?  Do you even know how to chisel a rock?

    Some knowledge is lost due to war.  Sure the enemy was defeated, but any knowledge they had died with them (Incas?).  Every individual has knowledge of some kind. When they die, that knowledge dies with them.  

    Some people (even today) use stories and song to impart their knowledge and wisdom to their children and grandchildren.  But if the knowledge and wisdom is not repeated in entirety in each successive generation, it can be lost.  It only takes a few generations for knowledge to become los".  Your parents or grandparents may have told you stories about how things were when they were young.  But unless that info is passed along to each succeeding generation, it becomes lost - forever.  Sadly, many young people (in each generation) don't want to listen to "old fogey" talk; they only want what's relevant to them right now.  And so that knowledge and wisdom doesn't get passed down.
    A few people refuse to pass along their knowledge.  They prefer to "take it with them to the grave".  (selfish?)

    Some people have no one to pass their knowledge on to.  They grow old alone and die and their knowledge is lost.  Each Person gains their own wisdom and knowledge through their lives. The inability to pass it on is a great loss.

    From rock to papyrus to paper to electronic media - we have been writing down our knowledge ever since we learned how.  However, nothing lasts forever.  Rock crumbles, papyrus and paper rot, electronic media is easily destroyed.  Already books are becoming a thing of the past in favor of electronic media.  What would happen if, after books became completely obsolete, the electronic media was somehow destroyed (war, EM burst)?  Where would become of all our knowledge?

      April 2, 2019 10:56 AM MDT