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Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » How you think birds finally discovered that feathers and wings were made for them to fly through the air instead of just breathing it?

How you think birds finally discovered that feathers and wings were made for them to fly through the air instead of just breathing it?

Posted - April 2, 2019


  • 46117
    Evolution, baby.  We are all slow learners on this bus.  

    Time.  Time solves all problems.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 2, 2019 12:33 PM MDT
      April 2, 2019 10:11 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Feathers  and wings evolved for birds but how were they supposed to know it was meant for them to learn to fly? Some bird species have never yet discovered flying.
      April 2, 2019 10:18 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I just answered you.  TIME.  They didn't know.  They just evolved.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  How do bees know where their hive is?  Instinct.  They developed through mother nature.  They didn't say OH LOOKIE here I got me some wings.

    Eventually wings became the norm and the instinct was to ride the wind. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 2, 2019 3:21 PM MDT
      April 2, 2019 11:09 AM MDT

  • 13395
    I notice there are a lot of birds around the airports in springtime because the parent birdies must take their young there to watch  aircraft taking off and landing to help them learn more about flying.
      April 2, 2019 3:31 PM MDT