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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A lie is a lie whether by COMMISSION or OMISSION. Both distort FACTS. So Barr is an OMISSION LIAR. Dondon will settle for that right?

A lie is a lie whether by COMMISSION or OMISSION. Both distort FACTS. So Barr is an OMISSION LIAR. Dondon will settle for that right?

Posted - April 4, 2019


  • 46117
    Barr is a self-absorbed idiot who wrote a letter TELLING THE PRESIDENT ON FOX NEWS that he will gladly take up the torch to defend TRUMP no matter what because the President cannot commit a crime.

    WHAT DO YOU NEED BESIDES THAT?  An omission liar?  He is a convenience liar and a terrible judge.

    He falls under the auspices of a Judge who typically is an autocrat who rules on his opinion.  Not in any legals sense either. HIS OPINION IS A BIASED SELF-PROMOTING OPINION so he gets his DAY IN THE SUN which he NEVER would have gotten with any other President except maybe a Bush- type idiot.

    Bush would pull a stunt like this.  I'm thinking of the lovely Cheney etc...  Oh and Nixon would try this of course.  All the GREATS. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 4, 2019 8:36 AM MDT
      April 4, 2019 8:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    This question RIDES ON THE COATTAILS of a previous question I asked this morning. The members who worked on the Mueller report said that there was damaging information in the report that Barr conveniently sidestepped. LIES OF OMISSION are relevant to that. It matters. Thank you for your reply Sharon. Maybe you can find the other question?
      April 4, 2019 8:38 AM MDT

  • 34962
    Legally, a law enforcement person is no supposed to release any information unless there is going to be a charge of some sort. 

    Comney did not follow this rule when he was FBI director. He should not have listed a bunch of reason why Hillary should be charged and then did not charge her. He should have simply said the FBI will not seek indictment of Mrs Clinton. (Another reason he should have been Obama)
      April 4, 2019 8:48 AM MDT

  • 2706
    Yup. Also, the Trump administration isn’t legally required, to make public, Mueller's full report on his Russia investigation "and the Democrats know this"! However, because Trump is the target the Democrats are pressuring Barr to release the entire report without any redactions. Why? Because their vitriolic hatred for Trump surpasses any rational explanation. To the point that they are more than willing to bypass any due process of law to get their way. Their goal is to see Trump out of office by any means possible. Legally or illegally. Face it, the corruption runs deep in Washington and the liberals from both sides of the aisle are trying to keep it that way. President Trump is a threat to them and they hate it. :)
      April 4, 2019 9:46 AM MDT

  • 46117
    NOT TRUE.  

    It's coming OUT.

    And? You can deny and deny till the cows come home.  This has ONLY JUST BEGUN.  Hang on to your hat.  Trump will never make it to 20/20 and beyond.   LOL.  Really?  You think?

    He doesn't need Mueller.  He is his OWN Mueller.  He is an idiot that can never shut up and DEMOCRATS have zero to do with the fact that he is a lawbreaker and has HOW MANY charges against him now in various courts that he cannot CAN NOT fight.  He has no power at ALL in those courts.

    He thinks he is the big shot?  He is shot and he is overweight.   So, that can be twisted in his favor.  Nothing else can anymore. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 4, 2019 9:50 AM MDT
      April 4, 2019 9:47 AM MDT

  • 2706
    What exactly is coming out? There will be no further indictments. No collusion was found anywhere. And by the way, that is what the Mueller investigation was about. I don't deny the facts if indeed they are proven facts. You're correct, this isn't over. Now that nothing was found against Trump the Dems will simply jump to another witch hunt. And another, and another, and so on. The Dems are desperate to find something, anything against Trump whether it has anything to do with his presidency and the fulfillment of his Presidential duties or not.

    You're correct again. The Dems have zero to do anyone else breaking the law, they're too busy breaking the laws themselves. They just need a scapegoat to cover up that fact and Trump is it. At some point in time the facts, whoever and whatever they pertain too, will be brought out. The facts may make you happy unless you are a 24/7 miserable person. Or they may make you sad and angry. In which case you may revel in that fact.

    Speaking of facts and to quote someone, "facts don't care about your feelings". Many facts have been brought to light that the Dems and liberals hate but guess what, the facts don't care. It's a gimme that facts will always be exposed. However, how we deal with them is what's important. So far the Dems and liberals haven't done too well in that area. I see that here in AM every time I log in.  :)
      April 5, 2019 8:17 AM MDT