Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » America invites all its corrupt criminal crumbum citizens to run for prez. While prez you can rape/murder/lie/destroy SAFELY!! Interested?

America invites all its corrupt criminal crumbum citizens to run for prez. While prez you can rape/murder/lie/destroy SAFELY!! Interested?

See the powers that be won't indict a sitting prez. No matter what he does says thinks. NO MATTER WHAT! So who could resist such a pitch as that? Come one come all. You can commit treason. You can sleep with the enemy. You can give the enemy access to all classified information. You can make deals benefitting yourself and harming the "less thans". You can lie all day and all night. You can attack insult denigrate demean vilify retaliate revenge crush squash stomp on 24/7. You will be in your version of HEAVEN. What's not to love? What could it hurt? Why not take it for a spin...the country?.

Posted - April 5, 2019


  • 46117
    According to TRUMP all those crumbumbs,  the ones coming into the country ILLEGALLY.  are the bad people.  You know.  Anyone who opposes him or that he can use to his advantage by saying they are bad people,  are BAD. 

    That illegally part would make them excellent candidates.  However, they probably know more English words than Trump can pronounce.  Like LIAR and PSYCHOPATH AND CRIMINAL MOB BOSS.  They are used to those conditions of life.   SO, maybe they are already too smart to run for president, at least in this devolving mess of a nation.

    It depends on the strength of his base.  I can see him being voted out (GOD MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!!) and his stupid base rioting in the streets and trying to assassinate any one in the oval for DONALD.  Could you see if he goes to jail?  LOL

    That will take years and his stupid base does not have the wherewithall and momentum to keep it up for years.  They need their leader shouting from the rooftops NO CONSPIRACY NO COLLUSION LOCK HER UP at least once a day to keep their robot batteries charged.

    But I do see them rioting in the streets when he is GONE and ousted.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 6, 2019 6:15 AM MDT
      April 5, 2019 8:51 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did you know that Ex-Senator Jeff Flake(R) has received death threats from some Dondon ardent supporters? Many of them are crazed wackadoodle gun people who wait for signs from their beloved Don to riot in the streets, shoot anything that doesn't a**kiss don and destroy everything. In militia groups. In skinhead groups. In KKK groups. In WHITE NATIONALIST groups. In American Nazi groups. They lie in wait fully weaponized just waiting for the word of their current savior Dondon to let 'er rip! How many of them are there?  I don't know. Maybe MILLIONS. So we wait for Don to crack apart completely and let the dogs out and then we shall see what he hath wrought in all its MAJESTY! Sigh.  Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      April 6, 2019 6:20 AM MDT