Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Those who SUPPORT kids locked in cages/kennels shall henceforth dream about them crying for their parents every night. Fair is fair, right?

Those who SUPPORT kids locked in cages/kennels shall henceforth dream about them crying for their parents every night. Fair is fair, right?

If GOD could grant me that one wish I would never ask for anything else ever again.

Ceaseless endless forever dreams/nightmares resplendent and replete with CLOSE UP shots of their twisted tear-stained faces crying without end. When would the nightmares stop? When all children are reunited with their parents and none are ever separated again. You know when that will happen? NEVER. Because the stupid dumbs separated them and sent them to many elsewheres without properly keeping track of who went where and when. In some cases parents were deported back to their countries and their kids are still here. Yes y'all. I mean it.  Every night forever that will be what you dream about. No exceptions. In my fantasy. I have no power to effect that at all. But it is my fervent wish that I could because I would have done that in a heartbeat long ago. Shame on all of you for supporting it and the evil he represents to children and all living things. For shame.

Posted - April 8, 2019


  • 53635

      Those who believe leftist propaganda should try a dose of reality.
      April 8, 2019 6:41 AM MDT

  • 11350
    Well it should happen to Trump anyway. Thing is hearing crying immigrant  children might be music to Trump's ears  and he would sleep with a smile on his face. Right now the GOP is asking for 2 years to get the kids back to their parents I think that's heartless and it wouldn't be necessary if they kept proper records. Cheers! 
      April 8, 2019 8:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Touche Nanoose. I didn't think of that. Of course he would love to hear that "music". What was I thinking? Excellent catch m'dear. Heartbreaking too. Thank you for your reply. Every day in every way the Dondon is getting better and better at being eviler and eviler. He has a definite knack for it. SIGH.
      April 8, 2019 12:11 PM MDT