Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If you want to be surrounded by flowers you have to take the time to do the watering and weeding and nurturing and the caring. Do you?
If you want to be surrounded by flowers you have to take the time to do the watering and weeding and nurturing and the caring. Do you?
Which flower is your very favorite ? I love the fragrance of orange blossoms, gardenias and roses. I love the look of orchids and those exotic flowers that grow in Hawaii. I only know the name of one. Bird of Paradise.
That's why I prefer wild flowers ... I don't have to do all that work. Though I have been known to randomly dig up foxglove and replant it somewhere else just to mess with nature.
I'm TOTALLY with you Walt! Years ago my son and his then-wife had an apartment in northern California on the water. They were on a slight hill and my then daughter-in-law who had a VERY GREEN THUMB decided she wanted wildflowers there. So she bought the seeds and tossed them around randomly. When I arrived for a visit I could not believe how beautiful it was! You name the color. She had it in her garden. To this day I see how beautiful wild can be. I don't know what foxglove it. My ignorance is very bigly and my knowledge is small. I know carnations and orchids and camellias and gardenias and roses and lilies and iris. My then daughter-in-law had a huge book on flowers and you know what? She showed me a flower called a roseybelle. Or something close to that. When they moved from their apartment and bought a home in Castro Valley she planted some in her garden and they were blooming when I visited. I often refer to myself as RoseyBelle now because well it reminds me of her and her kindness and loving ways. In fact I named a red truck we bought RoseyBelle because I drove it while Jim drove our car. So RoseyBelle drove RoseyBelle. I LOVED it! SIGH. Jim has green thumbs. Every finger on each hand of mine is brown. My history of killing plants that "are very sturdy and easy to grow" is littered with corpses. I don't know why. Thank you for your reply Walt! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at April 16, 2019 1:02 PM MDT
So sorry I got back to this response so late Walt! So beautiful to start my days with gorgeous FLOWERS! Yours I trust? Wow! Thank you for sharing them with us! It gives me a nifty head start mood-wise! So is this Foxglove then? They look like little bells! If you listen very closely can you hear them ringing too? Happy Tuesday to ya! Are they blooming now?
Yes, which does not guarantee I will be surrounded with flowers. I try to have something flowering every season. A few things. I love many plants and flowers. scilla (out now), azaleas, asters, lilies, hollyhocks, poppies. Snapdragons are among my faves.
My very favorite flower is peony. The scent is astonishing. We have all kinds of flowering trees and bushes in my development - azaleas, butterfly bushes, rhododendron, etc. We have a lilac tree that is very tall and when it blooms, the fragrance is fantastic.
I'm going to Google it L. I have heard of peony but as I told Walt my ignorance about flowers is bigly. My mom used to have a Gardenia bush by the steps in the front of the house and also a Camellia bush. Camellias have no fragrance that I recall but the Gardenias? I used to pluck one and let it float in a small dish of water. Right now the orange tree in the next door neighbor's yard is loaded with blossoms and when I take out the trash the fragrance would knock your socks off if you were wearing any! Is the scent of a Peony comparable to any other flower? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
Peonies have a sweet floral smell. I can't think of what flower smells the same, but if you have a bush near a window, when it's a warm day, the scent wafts through the house and it's gorgeous.
I suck at nurturing. I am a GREAT nurturer if I have a limited TIME to nurture. If I have to keep at it for years? I fail miserably.
It is not that I lose interest. NO. Not ever. It is just that I have so little power over my circumstances as a rule, due to not having a lot of money, that I am forced to deal with obstacles that may cause me to move locations, or change jobs, or work so many freaking hours a week, that I don't have time to even nurture myself. So I have a green thumb, I just suck at time management when it also includes constant changes in my life.
I would love a dog, but that is impossible. I love flowers and I make sure to keep them alive, but I don't cultivate more because I don't have the time. Thank god the association I am in helps with the watering too.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 23, 2019 1:29 AM MDT
I am notorious for my brown thumbs and fingers Sharon. I can't tell you how many plants have died in my care. It doesn't matter what I do or how I do it I always kill them. Jim, on the other hand, has green thumbs and fingers. I follow instructions to the letter. They die. I guess it's a knack or a gift or some magical power some are endowed with and some aren't. I am very good at weeding and I did have great success long ago with my vegetable garden. I also grew strawberries. Onions and carrots and zuccini and cucumbers. I even tried growing potatoes with limited success. Never had much luck with tomatoes and when I tried to grow winter vegetables none of them were edible. My dream was to go out in the backyard and pick my dinner! We have a friend who does that. But where we live now there is no room for a garden. We do have a prolific lemon tree in our backyard and our neighbor with the orange trees told us to pick any we can reach. He has about 4 orange trees and one abuts the wall between us and hangs over into our yard. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday. We all have different talents of course. That's what makes life interesting! :)
Me, I stay out of the garden. I can grow trees, but have a tendency to kill anything with a ceiling of less than ten feet. Little plants don't like me.