Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you know when your presence is unwanted? What are the signs? Do you ignore them? What happens eventually?

Do you know when your presence is unwanted? What are the signs? Do you ignore them? What happens eventually?

Posted - April 16, 2019


  • 14795
    Often a glance us all it takes to read anothers mind Rosie.....Some people look down their noses at how people dress ,what polititcal party they vote for or even what car they drive.....

    Some take  instant offence at those that look poor and visa versa....There are those to that are hell bent on imposing religion on everyone they meet...

    I am who I am and it's my life I'm living ,its as I want to and I try never to p upset my parents and family....
    I speak my mind ,but will always listen to others point if view to....it's often not easy to admit I'm wrong and one day maybe ,I might get round to doing it....:(


      April 16, 2019 12:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I pick up on "vibes" D. I am very sensitive to my environment. I can walk into a room and instantly feel comfy or un. If it's un I leave as soon as I can. If I'm comfy I might just close down the joint. Sometimes a simple expression says all you need to know about someone. If I engage long enough to chat I can figger it out very quickly by what they think is interesting and what they snub or sluff off. I'm very picky. I think I'm a snob. Not about money or social status or any of that crap. But about the QUALITY of the person I spend time with. I don't fool with seconds. I am never impressed by those who break their necks trying to impress. I know intelligence when I hear it and I know not-so-smart when it comes around. I avoid pretentious like the plague. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday honey. Did you ever visit NOTRE DAME D? I am so heartbroken about the tragedy. I've never been there. To think of the damage and the loss is hard to bear and I can only imagine how people feel who attended church there or were married there. I don't know what the rules are and I expect not just anyone could get married there. All the beauty through all the centuries much of which is gone! What it does is reduce the white noise we listen to daily to zero value and eliminate the petty completely. There is so much that is nonessential irrelevant superficial artificial.  SIGH. This post was edited by RosieG at April 16, 2019 2:16 PM MDT
      April 16, 2019 2:01 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Buildings are I suppose are like all things that live Rosie....given time ,they all revert to dust as every thing decays in the end...Do you watch any tv Doc's about Egypt.....so many huge cities have disappeared over thousands of years of time Rosie....

    Im in no way religious as you know ,but think so many church's are amazing building as were the skilled men and women that nade and designed them......
    They are quoting unimaginable sums of money to rebuild it.....with modern tools and machines ,it's hard to understand why....

    No I've never been to Paris...driven around it getting lost going to Greece though....lol 
      April 16, 2019 2:27 PM MDT