Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» We don't want to be too hot or too cold so we invented air conditioning and heat. We take pills to deaden us so we don't feel. Good/not?
No one is taking pills or air conditioning because they are dead inside. We do this stuff to make ourselves more comfortable. If I have a headache, I take a pill. If I am sweating to death, I put on the air. That is no indication of anything dead.
If you let yourself have a headache and don't care? Then you are dead inside. If you are too unconcerned to even cool yourself off when you are too hot? Something is wrong with you.
There's an optimum temperature range within which we are able to act and think at our best. That range is variable for each person depending on their weight, health, fitness and the climate their body is accustomed to.
Some places require cooler temperatures, e.g., hospitals to reduce the spread of infection.
The very young and very old do not have internal thermoregulation, so special care is required to ensure that they don't overheat or overcool.
We could do much better for the planet by turning heating down a few notches in winter, and turning aircon. temp. up a few in summer - or even better, using better architectural design so that we don't need any electricity to heat or cool.
In my view, it's healthier to tolerate headaches as much as possible. Analgesics taken too often over a long time can cause damage to organs, but most headaches will go away of their own accord in due course. A pain that doesn't go away may be an indicator of something wrong that needs treating properly. Masking it with a pain killer could lead to the problem getting worse and eventually becoming untreatable.
This post was edited by inky at April 19, 2019 1:20 AM MDT
Thank you for getting the point of my question bw and also for your thoughtful and helpful reply. Jim and I avoid taking pills unless pain is really unbearable. But society as a whole medicates with drugs or booze or a pill so we don't have to feel anything. We'd rather be numb than in pain of any kind...emotional spiritual physical. I think maybe the topic deserves further disucussion. Happy Friday m'dear! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at April 19, 2019 1:24 AM MDT
To say nothing of all kinds of substances to make us feel better, most of which are of temporary efficacy but cause lasting harm to us. All of these go to render us less healthy (so less flexible and capable of dealing with life as well as more self-centered so we have less and less interest in helping others). Because we realize that no one cares. We can post all we want on sites like this, organize and politicize and still no one cares. We might as well be talking to the moon. We try to help others and all they are interested in is our money. While others try to wrest it from us through any means they can.
So what is the solution?
For me it is good health and sensible thinking and acting. Which may be linked. I want to enjoy my life as much as I am able but in ways that preserve and prolong my general health. Like that old adage about living well is the best revenge. For me good health means living well. And having the sensitivity to enjoy what is given to me while preserving the duty of helping those less fortunate than myself. I take no drugs or medication (not as yet at least and I am in my early 60s), I exercise, get plenty of fresh air and sleep, and prepare and consume mostly whole natural food, organic if I can get it. I drink a little wine regularly, sometimes beer, but very seldom to excess. The more we are alive inside the easier it becomes to enjoy ourselves as well as being sensitive to others.
I was going to say something similar to Officegirl but less eloquently :P
I do think that we have become weaker.. I remember my old geography teacher telling us that as the generations go by, we see people becoming less strong, less hardy, less healthy.. And I have to say, I have seen similar.. I am tough as old boots, nothing much stops me.. but I notice my kids get sick more often than I do, are off work more than I am, and seem always tired, (not that I am not but I do do a lot more).
I wonder.. are they getting weaker.. or is it the food they eat.. or?
I think people simply don' t want to feel Addb. They don't want to feel sad or scared or unhappy or worried. We medicate away problems rather than solve them. I'm gonna ask why? A drink, a "fix", pill. Grab and go. Thank you for your reply m'dear and Happy Friday! :)