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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The more diligently and consistently you look for things to make sense the less they do. Inverse propertion? WHAT? How can that be?

The more diligently and consistently you look for things to make sense the less they do. Inverse propertion? WHAT? How can that be?

Posted - April 18, 2019


  • 4624
    If something doesn't make sense, I look for what's missing.

    For a sentence, it might be a slip in the grammar or the misuse of a word.

    With people, odd behaviour is usually explained when we understand their motivation. If it doesn't make sense then there are things about the person, their background, values or situation that we don't yet know.

    Sometimes some of us are wilfully blind, by refusing to accept some aspect of reality which doesn't agree with how we would like things to be.

    Then there are things which really are paradoxical, such as several phenomena in quantum physics. The only way to make sense of them is to understand that a different set of laws of physics operates at the quantum and macrocosmic orders of magnitude.

    By a similar logic, some things in economics makes perfect sense as practical behaviours at the level of a single household, but not on the larger scales of society and the environment.

    To make sense of things, one must be able to see the whole pattern, not just a portion or one angle or view of it.

    This post was edited by inky at April 19, 2019 3:59 AM MDT
      April 18, 2019 8:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Quantum entanglement is one of those paradoxes bw. But it also could explain a belief I have deep down that EVERYTHING is connected at some level in some way. We may not be able to see the connections or prove them but surely they exist. I think if everyone were on the same page about making sense...being reasonable..dare I say logical, it might not solve all our problems but it would be helpful if we all used the same tools in exploring our world. The conspirary theory tin foil hat wearers operate on a very level altogether. Understanding them is not an ability I have acquired so I simply write them off as being wackadoodles. Are they? How would I know. It's just that they seen to me to be far off from my reality into one elsewhere. It could well be a lack in me. We used to have values we honored. Those are gone as far as I can tell. They used to be our compass. Now we don't have one. It's not easy navigating without one. Thank you for your thoughtful answer. I'm gonna ask!  :)
      April 19, 2019 4:04 AM MDT