Yes Rosie.....two of my dads friends ,one who is eighty now had one a month before Christmas ......some one luckily was with him when it happened and got him into hospital quickly.....The guy was really fit and healthy and trained in a gym every other day ..... He was allowed to drive again two three weeks ago and has a few minor problems pronouncing words....
My dads other friend was a Collage Lecturer and travled the the world as a cameraman ....he worked for the BBC ,Panorama and also in America.....he knew many of the old film actors but in his case his strokes and ceasiures effected his left side of his body .....he needed a stick to walk and couldn't use his left hand very well... He had two strokes ,one at home and the other while in hospital ...the one in hospital went unnoticed for for a day or so and that one effected him the most and did the most damage.... He recovered pretty well considering ,but collapsed and died while out in with his wife as she was driving them somewhere.......
Thank you for your helpful reply D. Jim had a stroke yesterday and is in the hospital. All the tests they gave him while I was there he passed with flying colors. He was in no pain. The left side of his face was droopy and his words were slurred. By the time my friend and I left yesterday he had improved a lot. They're going to do an MRI and others tests today and either admit him there for more evaluation or see if can be transferred to a Kaiser Hospital which is who we are insured by or with. Meanwhile his son David is going downhill rapidly and I dare not tell him about. Don't want to add more stress. Let me just say yesterday was not a very great day for us. But Jim is healthy and strong so I expect the best. Will let you know how it goes. My brain just froze. I called our 3 dear neighbors who came right over and 911. Why do they keep hospitals so freezing cold? Anyway I appreciate the info. I'm thinking and hoping Jim will be like the first person you talked about. Happy Sunday to thee D! :) ((hugs))
Sorry to hear that about Jim and David, Rosie. Wishing you all strength. My grandmother made it through a stroke without any long-term complications, I believe.
From what I know Rosie ,getting the right help within the first hour or so is critical and it sounds to me that Jim will make a full recovery... Movenent and exercising effecting limbs and facial muscles are critical as it helps to keep open our neurological pathways to our memory that invisibly controls all our bodies muscle functions..... Most likely the doctors want him up and walking quickly and writing is also excellent as need to keep all the areas of the brain active as once that functions lost ,it's unlikely it will return to how it was before....
I will be thinking of you all Rosie....Think only positive things as I know hat helps... All hospitals in England are never cold.....mostly they are far to hot for me and I'm only visiting What is wrong with Jims son ?
David? He is dying of cancer sweetie. He fought the good fight and it was in remission for few years and we thought he had beat it. I mean I've been "cancer-free" for 11 years and counting but cancers are different and affect people in different way. So his came back with a vengeance. It got in the lymph nodes and liver and so that is how it metastasized so it is not a good time for Yolanda. I feel so helpless. I can't tell Jim because part of the stress he has been under was due to worry about David's illness over the last 5 years. I think Jim will be angry at me for not telling him but I just can't. Not when he is in this condition. Everyone goes through unfortunate stuff. It seems to collect though and hit all at once sometimes. This is one of those times. Thanks honey! You are a very helpful friend D! ((hugs))
The correct time to tel him is when he's deemed fit enough to cope with that information Rosie.....There is nothing he can do,so why make his situation worse....He needs all his strength to get his brain working better Rosie....The last thing he needs is additional stress that her can do nothing about.... He needs only positive things in his conversations at the moment I think.......xxxxxx
Exactly honey. I'm gonna call the hospital in about 20 minutes and find out what is going on. I hope I can talk with Jim so I can take him whatever he wants me to bring from home. I already have a heavy jacket, a sweatshirt with hood , sweatpants (he was wearing shorts) adn a small blanket. IT WAS FREEZING in there! I guess cold kills germs or doesn't let them grow or whatever! Thanks D! :)
Rosie, I'm so sorry to hear about Jim! Such a scary thing to happen! My Dad had a stroke when he was in his 60's. He recovered fully. I'm sure Jim will have the best medical treatment .. and with a supportive wife .. he'll be on the road to recovery! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Thanks B. As you know Jim is 83 but a very healthy guy. I think it appears to have been a mild one BUT because of his age they are going to run more tests to eliminate any other possibilities. I'm going to call the hospital at 7am my time (1/2 an hour away) to find out if he is still at that facility or if they transferred him to a Kaiser Hospital. I want to talk to him to see what he would like me to bring from home if possible. I don't know how long it will be before he can come home but he is in very good hands. I have loving neighbors who are here for me to drive me to see him . All in good time I tell myself. All in good time. You know B when I found out I had cancer on December 28, 2007 I became instantly stoic. I visualized success and I never once doubted it. So I've got to do the same thing with Jim. It is so much harder when it is a loved one than if it's just yourself. Happy Sunday my friend! :) ((hugs))
Inner strength and positive thoughts are exactly what you can give Jim .. best medicine ever! Please take care of YOU too ... hang in there my friend! ((hugs))
Yes of course. Many people just get up and walk away but many do require special care. Being accustomed to living our lives a certain way it is often difficult to adjust to making the changes necessary to avoid a repetition. So some people would rather live less long and live the way they want rather than live longer and accept what they see as a reduced kind of life.
Is heartbreaking to watch people we know suffering . My father died of a massive stroke 23 years ago. But can bring us closer to people and make us realize how much we value them. And would guess none of us, especially as we become older, are immune.
Am very sorry to learn of your hardships. I think what NJ wrote about exercise is very good. Please convey our love to Jim and David.