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Do Trump's supporters actually believe him?

I just heard Donald Trump telling a rally that illegal immigrants are a drain on the US economy. Not true; they pay taxes, but can't claim money back in welfare. He claimed Hillary supports catch and release. Not true; catch and release was scrapped by George W. Bush, and has not been reinstated since. The truth is, more illegal immigrants have been deported under Barack Obama than any previous president. His speech was a pack of lies start to finish. And he is still going on about building his ridiculous wall and making the Mexicans pay for it. There is no way to make the Mexicans pay for it, and I don't believe his stupid wall would ever be built, even if the fool were to get elected. What a load of rubbish he talks! Why does anyone take this lying clown, who is facing criminal charges for his Trump University con (and would be facing more charges in other states if he hadn't bribed the attorneys: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/07/06/3795722/pam-bondi-trump-complaint/), seriously? http://www.npr.org/2016/08/31/492096565/fact-check-donald-trumps-speech-on-immigration Hey, elect the idiot if you want! It will be the end of US global dominance, but good news for my country and the rest of the world. We will be in our ascendancy!

Posted - August 31, 2016


  • 2758

    Once again for anyone who didn't catch my rant the first time:

    Those who support Trump don't support him on account of his command of the facts.

    Those who support Trump don't support him on the basis of his intellectual prowess.

    Those who support Trump don't support him because they agree with his statements/positions.

    Those who support Trump may or may not actually like the man.

    But those who support Trump insist that the Statist quo MUST go.  Those who support him don't care what he says (no matter how wrong, stupid or insane).  They only care that he is NOT "one of them."  He BUYS "them."

    And at this point I'm not so sure I disagree with those who support him. I've had it up to here with supercilious liberals deriding, diagnosing, marginalizing, vilifying and dehumanizing anyone who DARES not to think like them. Liberal tolerance/compassion my bifurcated butt!! Guess what, Hillary fans.  This nation wasn't built by haughty government apologists.  It was built by people who WORK for a living.  Those people support Trump.

    Edit: feel free to cut/paste this rant to your desktop in case you have trouble remembering it. :-)

      September 1, 2016 1:24 AM MDT

  • 17641

    Not bad, Nim............:)

      September 1, 2016 2:51 AM MDT

  • 739
    Yeah, right. He's not "one of them." He's gonna stand up to the corporations. You, yourself, Nimitz, have criticised the corporations. Trump RUNS a mother-f___ing corporation. You know that, I know that, and every other matriac fornicator in the WORLD knows that! Nimitz, I have never seen any explanation that makes the slightest bit of sense as to why anyone would vote for Trump. I get that his supporters don't care about the facts. What worries me, and the reason I write here about him, is what damage he will do to America. I do not mean by getting elected, because I do not think he has a snowball in hells chance of that. I mean by the damage which will be inflicted on the Republican party, and therefore American democracy, by being a candidate. As a Brit, I honestly don't believe in telling other countries who to vote for, but in my own country, because Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour party, they have ceased to be functional as an opposition, never mind being a party likely to form goverment, and it is not healthy for a democracy to have no functional opposition. The Republican party will be reduced to being a similar marginal force after Trump has lost, in my opinion. I am trying to warn America to avoid the situation, if it is not already too late.
      September 1, 2016 3:05 AM MDT

  • 503

    The Fools will vote for him regardless. .His speech last night was ridiculous... For a Washington outsider, he sure knows how to promise the moon with no thought as to how to pay it, just like a seasoned politician..  . Sounds like the same old, same old to me... But I'm sure  it left the faithful frothing at the mouth !  Can wait to see the result of the fact-checkers findings on what he promised last night.

      September 1, 2016 5:43 AM MDT

  • 739
    ElChappo, the second link I posted in my original question was a fact checker thing from American PBS. I was listening to a US academic doing a fact check on Donald's speech soon after he gave it on 5 Live last night.
      September 1, 2016 7:03 AM MDT

  • 19937
    If the illegals are working and paying taxes using a false Social Security number, no they cannot collect Social Security when they retire. That leads me to believe that a large number are being paid in cash. In addition, even if they are paying taxes, they are likely on the lower rungs of the economic ladder and pay very little. I would bet that the cost for what they use in public funds such as education, emergency room visits (for lack of medical insurance), food stamps and other benefits which they can get for children who are born here, etc. far exceeds what they pay in.
      September 1, 2016 8:33 AM MDT

  • 34962

    I just heard Donald Trump telling a rally that illegal immigrants are a drain on the US economy. Not true; they pay taxes, but can't claim money back in welfare.

    They do not pay taxes...most are paid cash with no taxes taken out.  Also getting your refund back is not welfare. There are also states who will give welfare regardless of cititzenship. (Another drain) And there is also the medical care everyone recieves if they go to a ER.

    He claimed Hillary supports catch and release. Not true; catch and release was scrapped by George W. Bush, and has not been reinstated since.

    Hillary supports Obama's policies.  Obama did in fact reinstate the "catch and release" policy by executive order. For any illegal who claims to have been in the USA since at least Jan 2014 this partly by we had all those children coming over the border....

    The truth is, more illegal immigrants have been deported under Barack Obama than any previous president.

    No this is not true.  Obama counts illegal who are immediately returned to Mexico as a deportation, those who self-deport and those who are ordered to be deported but are not actually forced to leave....no other adminstration has counted those so of course his numbers are up. They don't even call them deportations...they call them removals.

    His speech was a pack of lies start to finish. And he is still going on about building his ridiculous wall and making the Mexicans pay for it. There is no way to make the Mexicans pay for it, and I don't believe his stupid wall would ever be built, even if the fool were to get elected. 

    If he does not build it then he will be a one term president.  They say that the wall can be paid for with the trade deficit between US an Mex....and other fees imposed on sending money to Mex from the USA.

      September 1, 2016 8:35 AM MDT

  • 214

      You just saved me replying to the Brit.

    (oops, couldn't help myself and replied)

      September 1, 2016 8:53 AM MDT

  • 214

    I'll just ditto my2cents. I've told you before that Obama has a catch and release program AND that his administration changed how they count 'deportations.'

    Both of your links go to liberal sites. Sadly, NPR is the liberal mouthpiece of this Administration. They depend on government funding.

    And if you want to talk about lying you might want to check out Hillary's lies.

    As far as the civil lawsuit, I'd just as soon let it play out in the courts rather than in the media where all the facts are not known.

    Obama already ended US global dominance, otherwise China wouldn't be building islands in the South China Sea, Iran harassing the US Navy, and Russia wouldn't have gone into Crimea. But sure haven't seen the UK pick up the mantle.

      September 1, 2016 9:01 AM MDT

  • 2515
    I heard two people liked his immigration speech in Arizona. It was all over on Twitter. They posted their tweets.
    1. Ann Coulter: "I heard Churchill had a nice turn of phrase, but Trump's immigration speech is the most magnificent speech ever given."

    2. David Duke: "Excellent speech by Donald Trump tonight. Deport criminal aliens, end catch release, enforce immigration & America first."
      September 1, 2016 9:13 AM MDT

  • 386
      September 1, 2016 9:25 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello M:

    Nailed it!


      September 1, 2016 9:29 AM MDT

  • 2515
    @Excon, Thanks! :-))
      September 1, 2016 9:36 AM MDT

  • 1002

    I don't know why people support him, can only speak for me. The only genuine Trump supporter I know is pretty naive politically. 

    Although, I would submit that attempts at U.S. global domination is part of the problem.

      September 1, 2016 10:44 AM MDT

  • 34962

      September 1, 2016 11:19 AM MDT

  • 34962

    I understand completely.... I had to reply as well. Just too much that had to be corrected.

      September 1, 2016 11:21 AM MDT

  • 34962

    Trust me much more two people liked it.   Why do you keep up with Duke? He is an idiot.

      September 1, 2016 11:23 AM MDT

  • 2758

    I have my moments. :-)

      September 1, 2016 2:35 PM MDT

  • 2758

         "Yeah, right. He's not "one of them." He's gonna stand up to the corporations. You, yourself, Nimitz, have criticised the corporations. Trump RUNS a mother-f___ing corporation."

    Ahem.  Trump's 'corporation' is a PRIVATELY HELD company:


    My beef is with PUBLICLY TRADED, government-birthed abominations.

         "I have never seen any explanation that makes the slightest bit of sense as to why anyone would vote for Trump."

    People would vote for Trump because he is not a politician. He is not a member of the political caste/elite. Trump is a (largely) self-made businessman. Politicians are professional parasites.  THAT is why they would vote for him over them.  GRANTED, though, that in an age where people can't make out the difference between public (government) and private (individual) economic entities, you have a marginal point.

         "I get that his supporters don't care about the facts. What worries me, and the reason I write here about him, is what damage he will do to America."

    ROFL!  What you know as 'America' is screwed either way!

    As for the remainder of your post, i.e., your otherwise touching concern for the survival of a viable opposition party in America, it hasn't existed since Reagan's day. 'Both' parties are different wings of the SAME party.  The only alternative political party in the United States is the Libertarian Party, and they TRULY don't have a snowball's chance in hell.

      September 1, 2016 2:45 PM MDT

  • 2758

      September 1, 2016 2:47 PM MDT

  • 2758

      September 1, 2016 2:48 PM MDT

  • 2758

    These are excellent points. Sometimes I wonder if the whole 'illegal immigration' controversy isn't a smoke screen designed to obscure the desire on the part of our leaders to get these people hooked up to the gover-business surveillance grid.   You can't keep tabs on the chattel if they're paid in cash and have no 'papers.'

      September 1, 2016 2:50 PM MDT

  • 2758

      September 1, 2016 2:51 PM MDT

  • 2758


    Even his friends at Faux are eating his lunch over that one.

      September 1, 2016 3:19 PM MDT