(Sigh.) I see that Big Vacuu has gotten to you. They brainwash people into believing that everything is just fine the way it is, they lull you into a false sense of confidence, they turn you into one of their blind sheep. It’s sad, it really is.
1. They are expensive. You can buy a good one for little money.
2. There is no reason for neighbors not to share one. This is crazy and stupid; do not bring other people's dirt and germs into your own home. Until I lived a few years in an apartment it never occurred to me that people would do such a thing. A woman ask me if she could use my vacuum. Without a pause I said no. I didn't even say why. To me it should be obvious why. And those who allow cleaning people to come in toting their own equipment to clean their homes should do some reading. I haven't had a maid for a long time but she used my cleaning equipment.