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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sometimes an intellectual ADVANTAGE can be a social DISADVANTAGE. Want an example?

Sometimes an intellectual ADVANTAGE can be a social DISADVANTAGE. Want an example?

In the long ago kids "skipped" grades so they wouldn't get bored in class. But socially they'd be younger than the other kids and also considered "weird".

Did the intellectual advantage compensate for the social disadvantage? Were you one of these kids? Have many friends?

Posted - May 9, 2019


  • 10770

    When I was very young I was considered a genius.  I was reading books (real books, not 'Fun with Dick and Jane') before I went to kindergarten.  First and second grade were a bore to me (unchallenging).  There weren't any "gifted" classes in those days so they decided to skip me ahead several classes after second grade.  Two things stood in the way - I was uncoordinated and severely lacked social skills (very shy and 0 friends).  So my mom said no.   Although I missed nearly all of third grade (very sick), I was still placed in an accelerated 4th grade class (it was mixed with 5th grade, so technically I went through 5th grade twice).  Boring. 
    Middle school was the same.  Classes were boring (unchallenging) and I had 0 friends.
    I skated through high school writing stories instead of paying attention in class.  Although I graduated with straight A's, I had 0 friends the entire time.

    Had I been skipped ahead, I would have graduated years before I actually did, but I probably would've been an even bigger bigger social outcast than I was.  

      May 9, 2019 4:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I knew there was a very strong bond between thee and me Shuhak. I was not considered a genius but I did skip a few grades in grammar school. I was painfully shy to begin with. I remember my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Bryant, came over to our house one day and talked to my mom about putting me ahead. I guess my mom was wanting what was best for me and respected the teacher (I adored her. She made me feel like I wasn't a freak) so I skipped then and then I skipped again in 5th grade. Miss Bryant became a good family friend and she was at my high school graduation. The thing is I WAS WEIRD. I LOVED SCHOOL. I was happiest there learning. I am still that person. I had ONE FRIEND in grammar school through to the 10th grade. Then she dumped me because she started hanging out with the 'fast" kids. By 'fast" I mean they hung out behind the gym at lunch and smoked! My younger sister is the popular one. Very outgoing. Very gregarious. She always drew people to her like a magnet. I was not remotely like her. So I thought it was extremely peculiar that I was voted "most sophisticated" in my high school class which to this day makes me laugh. They didn't know the meaning of the word. I was the lest "sophisticated" I'm sure. Strange what we remember isn't it? The kids were friendly enough but never friends. I adore/require quiet and solitude and I also enjoy chatting with people when I'm in the mood. That's why an internet social site suits me to a T. I come and go as I please here and engage with those I enjoy and avoid those I don't.  I hold all the power here over me. In real life that simply isn't possible. Anyway thank you for your thoughtful reply. I kinda figgered it out just by how we engage with each other. Happy Friday! :)
      May 10, 2019 4:06 AM MDT