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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Isn't it great that in a world full of

Isn't it great that in a world full of

Violence, hatred, racism, bigotry, political unrest and corruption, employment uncertainty, homelessness there are still some positivities? Like healthy babies born everyday, strangers that will still smile and nod or say "Hi" when they pass each other on the street, the kind and supportive words we give each other here, people meeting and falling in love at any age?

I'm just a big ball of love, partly because I am truly lucky and happy to be alive, maybe partly because of the new moon and partly because of my man.

What helps you smile is all this chaos?

Posted - September 1, 2016


  • 1113

    This post made me smile and forget the world and all its problems if only for just a moment. 


      September 1, 2016 2:35 PM MDT

  • Good I'm glad to hear it! xoxo
      September 1, 2016 2:36 PM MDT

  • Yep. I'm lucky too.

    I can walk outside my front door and see almost nothing but nature to the horizon in every direction.

    I wish we could all live this way.

      September 1, 2016 3:11 PM MDT

  • That's nice!  :-)

      September 1, 2016 6:47 PM MDT