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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do y'all wanna be controlled by a KING who decides everything unilaterally or do you favor the system set up by the Founding Fathers?

Do y'all wanna be controlled by a KING who decides everything unilaterally or do you favor the system set up by the Founding Fathers?

In case you've forgotten what that is allow me to REFRESH YOUR MEMORY!

Three branches, co-equal


The Legislative branch is charged with oversight of the Executive Branch so the "executive" doesn't get away with murder as has been the case since January 2017!

So d'ya like the takeover of the king? Is that what YOU voted to bring to your country? Really?

Posted - May 25, 2019


  • 19937
    I'm not offended by Christianity.  I'm offended that you think this is a  Christian nation.  Our values do not come from one religion, even if the majority of people follow that religion.  Religion should not be, and is not, the basis for our laws and the Constitution specifically states that.  Christians do not have a lock on morals or values.  In fact, if you take a good look at Trump, I would think his "morals" and "values" should preclude him from ever saying he is a Christian.
      May 27, 2019 6:11 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Thank you for your interest in my posts!  No never referred to this nation as a "Christian country" but was founded on Christian principles and became great largely on Christian principles.   And once we depart from them really no way the country can stand as it heretofore has.  I have never used government food stamps and not even sure that program was in place when I was growing up.  Roads are local responsibility and obviously they will generally be better in more affluent areas.  The federal road program which I believe was instituted under Obama merely upgraded major roads that did not need work Would guess it was to give union members work. I am only 61 and my husband two and a half years younger so we are not on Soc. Sec. or Medicare but we have looked into it with a lawyer seeing if it is possible to avoid being enrolled. Which really is sort of crazy because we have been paying into it forever.  But my understanding based upon what we have learned from our investigations is that taking Soc. Sec. and Medicare we will be stiffly penalized financially because of our level of income.  So. in other words, because we work and do better we are not thought of as being as good or as deserving as some other people.  So you see how that is creating an artificial class system.  Where we are demonized and considered "evil: for working and paying our own way and being successful.  When in fact those are the very things we imbibed about this country growing up that made it great - was the fact that here we could do that. But now it is I guess considered shameful.  Because some of these liberal politicians believe we , each one of us, should all be beholden to a government who decides how well we should do, and what we should do, what we should not do, and what "class" we belong to  based upon whatever criteria they deem fashionable at the moment. 

    But when we become dependent upon a government than we lose our freedom and become slaves to that government.    Just like when people became insolvent they once had to sell themselves into slavery to pay off their debts and make ends meet.  Someone else is supporting us we are no longer autonomous and so you do what you are told.  Which is certainly not how either of us was brought up.  In fact we grew up thinking  - and this is really  both of us - that it was shameful to take from the government.  Because we should be able to pull our own weight.  By our own labor and service - work that is. 
      May 26, 2019 12:59 PM MDT

  • 46117
      May 26, 2019 1:07 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Let me remind you that "Christian" principles are based upon the Old Testament which comes from the Jews.  This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  

    I didn't say you used food stamps, but if you found yourself in a position of extreme poverty, that program would be there to keep you from dying of hunger.  

    President Eisenhower created the interstate highway system in 1956, long before Obama was president.  

    Social Security is calculated based upon 35 years (or as many as possible) of work and your income during that time.  How much you and your husband earn has nothing to do with the amount you will get from Soc. Sec. once you reach the maximum payout.  If your lawyer is telling you that you will be penalized for the amount you will received from Soc. Sec. because of a high income, he is wrong.  What will happen if you earn over a certain amount while working and collecting is that the amount of your Soc. Sec. can be subject to up to 85% income tax.  That applies only to Soc. Sec. - not your regular income.  Medicare payments are not taxed at all.  The amount you pay into Soc. Sec. includes Medicare.  Nothing about Soc. Sec. or Medicare labels you as a second class citizen nor are you being demonized for continuing to work.  In fact, if you are only 61 and your husband is younger, neither of you are even entitled to collect Soc. Sec.  I don't know where you get these ridiculous notions or how you manage to misinterpret things.  

    According to you, you would like to see all government regulations abandoned and everyone should be on their own.  That is a very dangerous position to take.  Who will certify that your food is free from disease?  Who will make sure that the plane in which you fly is safe?  You get my drift.  
      May 26, 2019 1:35 PM MDT

  • Conservatives and the Republican party legislate things that they are against...

      May 26, 2019 12:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
      May 27, 2019 4:31 AM MDT

  • I think somebody's got their history a little twisted up. We haven't come close to what the founders intended in over 50 years. That's because so called "progressives" have usurped powers for themselves that they were NEVER intended to have. Add to that, courts that legislate from the bench instead of interpreting the constitutionality of legislation. It's always those who have contributed to the erosion of a system of checks and balances that love to wrap themselves in the "intentions " of the founders. The political party currently holding a majority in the US House is engaged in a power grab that has nothing to do with governance or creating legislation. It's a blatant, sweeping, effort to overturn a legally elected administration by any means, illegal, unethical and immoral. Our system has become so screwed up over time, that a monarchy is beginning to have a certain appeal. One last thing. "Oversight" by one branch of the Federal monstrosity over the other, doesn't refer to control, dominion or manipulation by contrived evidence or testimony in self serving investigations. You've shot down your own argument about "co-equal" branches.
      May 25, 2019 8:22 PM MDT

  • 13277
      May 25, 2019 8:34 PM MDT

  • 46117

    This is what you do not correct STU?  This is what you support?  THIS?  This is an opinion based on nothing.  That is what you support.  This is an opinion based on …. Oh yeah.  I already said this.  OPINION.  

    It is a diatribe full of sound and fury signifying a contempt for all the mistakes made in the name of PROGRESS and trying to bridge a gap between being stuck in a foundation and breaking loose of the foundation and wreaking havoc.  You both cannot see the truth.  You both must realize that things need to be broken in order to re-mend and change.  Life is progress.  NOT BLAME.  There is just as many foibles on all sides of a very flawed government for any to consider.  We all screw up.  The THING IS WE HAVE THE FOUNDATION TO GUIDE US and COMMON SENSE TO RULE US.

    Not some bible thumping idea.  Not some IT SAYS RIGHT HERE... kind of philosophy.  Law and common sense.  We need order.  We are grinding our way to investigations that you guiys deplore.  We are doing it the way the constitution allows legally.  NOT BARR. You want an evil PROGRESSIVE IDEA?  How's about TOTAL REIGN?  IS THAT THE CONSTITUTION YOU WANT?

    GIVE IT UP. BOTH OF YOU.  You are not preaching to each other.  I hear you, I see you, and you are full of it. 
      May 26, 2019 9:51 AM MDT

  • 13277
    No, Sharonna, YOU and Rosie are doing the preaching, and you're both full of hyperbole, to put it kindly.
      May 26, 2019 10:06 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Have a brownie and some covfefe.  
      May 26, 2019 1:09 PM MDT