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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If the earth will be destroyed when Christ returns what will be left for the meek to inherit?

If the earth will be destroyed when Christ returns what will be left for the meek to inherit?

Posted - May 28, 2019


  • 6023
    The New Earth, according to some teachings.

    Personally, I strongly believe those teachings are why people who believe in "New Earth" don't care about climate change or recycling.
    After all, if your savior is going to be bringing you a brand new planet, why care about what happens to the old one?
      May 28, 2019 7:50 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think it's all about money Walt. They are greedy SOB's and so they don't want to spend a dime to keep the air clean or the ground free of pollutants or the water pure and drinkable. It would cost TOO MUCH MONEY. So the sb prez and his evil henchpersons have sought to slay the protections and are doing a he** uva job. Strip protections from everywhere everything. Watch your bottom line grow. I believe those phonies don't believe in a hereafter at all. They just give it lip service because it plays well in Peoria if ya get my drift. They are all greedy phonies who sell their souls and the souls of everyone else for money! My opinion of course. I think your point is more than valid though. It could be all of the above. Thank you for your reply! :).
      May 29, 2019 2:46 AM MDT