This is what Trump followers fear. Why they like Trump. Why he says let's take Anerica back to the laws of 1928. Enough so they Robert Spencer of Alt-Right Brand was laughing about it on Twitter. Of course, he loved it. Spencer is one of the leaders of the Alt-Right group.
So really, it is not about immigration. It is about them fearing losing white privilege.
If it is does that mean we will be like Chicago?
Hello M:
White privilege came about because white people dominated the landscape.. It's declining in proportion with the white population.. Trump is right in one respect.. When we're no longer in charge, we'll probably be treated as shabbily as we treated them.. And, why not? What do they say? Payback is a MF'r.
I can't wait to get a job because I'm not a minority!
I am white. Where the hell is MY privilege? Did I miss something here?
Nonsense. Only cultural Marxists even believe in the concept. You are projecting your own beliefs onto other people.
It's people of colour that receive privileges such as affirmative action programs to try to artificially tilt the table in their favour. All laws that gave white people privilege were repealed long ago.
Louis CK is a pathetic, self hating, weak, b*tch.
Hello AS:
In NY City, black people CANNOT get a taxi cab to stop for them.. You either 1) don't BELIEVE that, 2) it's discrimination against blacks, or 3) it's white privilege.. My bet is you'll DENY it.
When's the last time you were in NYC and actually witnessed that?
I've been there quite a few times over the last few years and have witnessed black people getting into cabs ahead of me in the line or successfully flagging down a cab on the street. Asians too! (Although I admit that I've had problems getting a cab but only because I wanted to go somewhere that the cab driver didn't want to go, like across town during rush hour). And it might come as quite a shock to you, but they don't have segregated drinking fountains in NYC anymore either. So stop spreading the organic fertilizer already.
It's not white privilege since the government has no laws on the books that encourages cab drivers to behave this way.
If true, the behaviour of the cab drivers is discrimination. What the left can't seem to grasp is that discrimination is a social problem, not a political problem. Expecting the government to do something about it is like wanting them to something about the rate of adultery. It's outside the proper sphere of government.
New York cab drivers are 94% immigrants. Levels of discrimination are far far higher among other minority groups like Indian and Pakistani cab drivers. (Though of course its politically incorrect to say that. Only white people can be at fault. That's cultural Marxism 101. White people are the devil spawn. Everything is their fault.)