Think about it. If he were confident and self-assured why would he get enraged 24/7 about any slight or disagreements? He is always out there attacking attacking insulting insulting because he is so lacking in confidence he cannot and will not remain silent. A sure sign of his fragile and shredded ego. Perhaps it happened when he was rejected by his parents and sent away to military school. Perhaps that crippled him and that is why he is insatiable about his requirements of loyalty and being complimented and validated all the time by everyone. A truly self-confident person does not say "I am an extremely stable genius". He is pathetic in his constant need for reassurance. When he doesn't get it he reverts to hissy fit temper tantrums and the only way he knows how to vent is by tweet storms of insolence and embarrassment. His peeps think that shows STRENGTH but in fact it is a huge tell about how weak he is within himself. No ego there. Whistling in the dark. Pretending faking it. Demanding obedience and support and respect. You cannot DEMAND to be respected. The demand itself cancels out all hope of ever receiving it.