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Terrorists keep blowing themselves and others up, but they never get what they want. Will they ever learn?




Posted - June 28, 2016


  • 167

    Sadly some people will never learn.

      June 28, 2016 9:10 PM MDT

  • 503

    What exactly is it they want to achieve by blowing themselves and others up ?

      June 29, 2016 7:08 AM MDT

  • 359

    They actually think by blowing themselves up they will get what they want.. 

    They are muslims who believe that if they die while waging jihad they will be automatically granted eternity in paradise.. The objective is mostly about dying in the right way,,, as a martyr..

      June 29, 2016 8:03 AM MDT

  • I guess they want their own planet.

      June 29, 2016 8:10 AM MDT

  • I don't know. Maybe their own planet.

      June 29, 2016 8:11 AM MDT

  • 503

    Did you know the 72 virgins awarded to Suicide Bombers are 18 yr old males...!!!

      June 29, 2016 8:52 AM MDT

  • 17641

    What is it that they want, again?

      June 29, 2016 10:42 AM MDT

  • 3934

    Sometime they do get what they want.

    If you look into what Osama bin Laden and Al-Queada's main issues were prior to 9/11, they principally objected to the US stationing troops in Saudi Arabia and the lack of united Arab/Muslim will to fight the US over the issue.

    After the 9/11 attacks, the US withdrew most of its forces from Saudi Arabia and launched a disastrous invasion/occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan which galvinized much of the Arab/Muslim world into opposing US forces in those regions.

    Of course, unlike the Darth Cheney/Boy Emperor administration, most governments are not stupid enough to give terrorist organizations what they want in the wake of terrorist attacks. But every so often, one does, and that provides other terrorist groups with some hope.

      June 29, 2016 11:14 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Oh they got what they wanted.  They learned the hard way to be careful what you beg the Universe for, you just may get it.

      June 29, 2016 11:17 AM MDT

  • 46117

    jinx sort of....

      June 29, 2016 11:18 AM MDT

  • 1

    It's sort of like progressives - they never get what they want either.  Progressives simply make a new oppressive law, tax more, grow government and convince low info voters that they care.  Terrorists on the other hand find more people willing to blow themselves up to kill a few more infidels.  They've been terrorizing for thousands of years.  Progressives much less.

      June 29, 2016 11:21 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello Mr.

    They DON'T get what they want???  Their tactics have SWELLED their ranks, and MULTIPLIED their land holdings..  Looks like they're getting a LOT, to me.


      June 29, 2016 11:27 AM MDT

  • 1523


      June 29, 2016 11:41 AM MDT

  • 3934

    Wow! Comparing the political philosophy which has produced some of the highest standards of living and highest levels of self-reported happiness in the world to people who use violence against innocents to promote amorphous (and often utterly unrealistic) political goals.

    I just don't know what to say....;-D....

      June 29, 2016 12:12 PM MDT

  • 32

    Did you know that was mis-translated and they were actually getting 72 raisins ?

      June 29, 2016 1:27 PM MDT

  • 32


      June 29, 2016 1:29 PM MDT

  •   June 29, 2016 1:34 PM MDT

  • Yes. Amorphous goals is a great way to put it. They remind me of Bond villains or Cobra from G.I. Joe (which was a terrorist organization): We will conquer and rule the world!!!

    Seriously? They think they can rule the entire planet? They should really scale back their goals.

      June 29, 2016 1:36 PM MDT

  • Well is that their primary mission? I thought it was to conquer and rule the world.

      June 29, 2016 1:37 PM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello again, Mr.

    You have to crawl before you can walk.


      June 29, 2016 3:04 PM MDT

  • Well they are delusional. They feel like they are doing holy cleansing of God. It doesn't matter if it sounds insane, to them they are raised that way. One blows themselves up, they just raise kids to believe that they will go to someplace better and be awarded for murder. The next kid falls for it, then the next, then the next. They make them feel special and wanted.

    It's hard thinking how people could believe it but if you grew up in those areas where they taught that nonsense then you become delusional. It would be an oppressive environment to grow up in.

    It's like pack mentality on steroids.

      June 29, 2016 8:08 PM MDT

  • An event that nearly sickened anyone for example was a little boy who raised his hand to the wrong question in class. It was just an innocent mistake, the boy didn't even realize which question he had raised his hand to. I think if I remember correctly it was "who does not love the prophet?" Then the boy accidentally raised his hand not listening.

    Accusations of blasphemy led the boy to cut off his hand on his own. Afterwards he was praised by the whole community.

    Now Pakistan did the right thing and punished the Imam who was responsible... the point is though a group had encouraged this boy to do so and the boy felt redeemed by doing so because he had "love."

    Reward and punishment system. It's effective in closed off communities. This is an example of what happens and how the boy was ready to mutilate himself for the sake of a cause, persuaded by family and community.

    By the way one weird thing in Pakistan is that blasphemy is punishable by death. Arresting the Imam is the right thing to do but why have blasphemy punishable if Pakistan recognizes what the Imam did was wrong?????

    Just something to make you think.

      June 29, 2016 8:38 PM MDT

  • 640

    Some don't, but some terrorists are becoming Christians You tube has videos of testimonies..Here is a former terrorist testimony how he became a Christian and how Jesus changed his heart, and he became loving. The same thing happened to the Vikings 1000 years ago when they became Christians..

      June 29, 2016 10:52 PM MDT

  • 22891

    i dont think so, i dont know why anyone would want to blow themselves up, that sounds so painful

      July 3, 2016 8:50 PM MDT