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What is Trump going to do next to insure he does NOT get re-elected, pardon OJ Simpson?

Posted - June 15, 2019


  • 11340
    Maybe go to war with Iran then pretend he is good old General Hand Grenade riding in his motorcade - sucking on a gator aid and looking at the mess he made. This morning I started thinking that Trump is involved in a illegal information mining scam to benefit his 2020 campaign.  The other day on twitter Trump had a sign my birthday card and it turns out that maybe the info the people gave will be used to target them to receive Trump campaign information - might not be illegal but who knows what else he is up to. I was also thinking that on the same day as the sign my birthday card there was a #remember John  McCain and it got way more hits then Trumps page. It is surely urking Trump so he is bound to say something or do something that will help him not win the election - like maybe he will order that that ship named after McCain's father be used as target practice then claim he is doing it for national security. Cheers and happy weekend!.  
      June 15, 2019 1:19 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Trump’s gonna call each and every Democrat running for office a childish nickname of his own creation, and endlessly tweet how dumb, short or weak they are. 

    He‘ll continue to undermine himself -on camera

    He‘ll continue to publicly defame American citizens, insult traditional aliies and show deference to autocrats. 

    Trump will continue to don ill-fitting suits, remain adrift in his alternate reality, and cavalierly cost taxpayers more millions for twice as many golf trips than he b*tched about Obama taking. 

      June 15, 2019 2:19 PM MDT

  • 11340
    I was also thinking Trump is going to ruin this years 4th of July celebration by making  it all about him and it will open up a few peoples eyes to what a self centered SOB he is. Cheers and happy weekend!
      June 15, 2019 2:29 PM MDT