Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The prez sez one thing he has learned about the job (being prez) is that "YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD". When will he begin to do so?
You know those "busyboxes" they give to babies to keep them occupied? Things to push and turn and press and punch that ring and chime? They are useless but keep the baby occupied. Same with the sb prez. He flies hither and yon and golfs and "takes meetings" and eats and tweets and watches gobs of TV and demands and rants and raves and rages and holds rallies using the same lingo he did in 2015/2016 all for naught. That's what he does. That's what we got. Who could ask for anything more? Thank you for your reply L and Happy Friday! :)
He seems totally robotic to me Nanoose. He lies spontneously with no effort. It flows like a broken water main. Lies gush forth from his bowels ceaselessly effortlessly thoughtlessly e ndlessly constantly consistently. He is on automatic 24/7. Just how I perceive the sb bloke joke. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thy! :)
Touche kj! Touche! Thank you for your reply and the videos reminding us of what kind of singular EXTREMELY peculiar chap we got in the whitehouse! Happy Friday to you m'dear! :)
I think we'll be getting Boris Johnson as our next PM so watch out world, with Trump and Boris, anything could happen. Enjoy your weekend Rosie :)
This post was edited by kjames at June 21, 2019 5:08 PM MDT
He is inept in so many ways. I was going to ask who dresses him in the morning, but after seeing him in that tux at the state dinner with the Queen, I don't believe anyone dresses him - he does it himself. How did Melania ever let him leave home looking like that?