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I SAY I am a Christian but everything I do/say is inhuman inhumane deplorable evil. Do you still believe I am Christianly? WHY?

Posted - June 24, 2019


  • The Devil himself quotes scripture(And accepts the truth of same) and actually attends church.(One of the best places to create division) Scripture says that you'll know them by their fruit. Also the question is raised, what relationship does darkness have with the light? Or, If I speak with the tongues of angels and have not charity(love), then I am but tinkling brass. (paraphrase) It all gets back to the notion that to destroy the message, simply kill the messenger and it will go away. If you or I can't live it, that doesn't detract from its legitimacy and truth one bit. 
      June 24, 2019 9:03 AM MDT

  • 10759
    Words are meaningless without actions.  I could tell everyone that i'm a brain surgeon, but if i can't back up my claims with actions, then my claim is nothing but a lie.

    christians aren't perfect.  they're just as human as everyone else.  they can say bad/hurtful things, they can be hypocritical just like any other person.  the only difference between on who's a christian and others is that a "real" christian won't make a practice of doing it.

    The way to truly know what a person is is by watching their actions.  If one professes to be something (be it christianity, islamic, or whatever) and yet continuously doesn't "practice what they preach", then they are liars.
      June 24, 2019 2:53 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Do you believe the extremely stable genius sb prez and ALL  HIS SUPPORTERS are Christianly or fakes Shuhak? I think anyone who supports him CANNOT POSSIBLY BE Christian. Do you too? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday.
      June 25, 2019 5:32 AM MDT

  • 4624
    Christianity has suffered schisms since it's inception.
    One cannot predict anything about a person who says he or she is a Christian.
    For instance, about half of Christians have liberal or leftist politics on the grounds that Christ advised to love others as one love oneself.
    The other half take their lead from the Old Testament. These are the conservatives who advocate patriarchy, hierarchical power structures and the ethos of capitalism over all others.
    But there are also thousands of minor cults with widely divergent interpretations of the scriptures - each using the "word" to justify their own agendas.
      June 24, 2019 7:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The word itself is meaningless then bw..subject to the interpretation of whomever speaks of it. I confess I am a New Testament gal. I do not believe in a vengeful wrathful jealous god. I don't and never have. I believe in love thy neighbor and the Golden Rule and all it implies. Thank you for your reply bw! :)
      June 25, 2019 5:35 AM MDT