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Women get paid money to say bad things about me. TRUMP QUOTE. How's come women never got paid any money to say things about Obama?

Trump goes on manic tirade after being asked about new rape allegation: Women get ‘paid money to say bad things about me’


On Saturday, facing reporters at the White House, President Donald Trump flatly denied the rape allegation of advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, attacked New York Magazine for publishing it, and suggested that women are being “paid money” to make false accusations against him.

“I have no idea who this woman is,” said Trump. “This is a woman who’s also accused other men of things, as you know. It is a totally false accusation. I think she was married, as I read, I have no idea who she is, but she was married to a — actually nice guy, Johnson, a newscaster.”

“There’s a photograph of you and her,” shouted one reporter.

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“Standing with my coat on in a line, give me a break. With my back to the camera,” said Trump. “I have no idea who she is. What she did is terrible. What’s going on. It’s a total false accusation, and I don’t know anything about her, and she’s made this charge against others, and you know, people have to be careful because they’re playing with very dangerous territory, and when they do that and it’s happening more and more. When you look at what happened to Justice Kavanaugh and you look at what’s happening to others, you can’t do that for the sake of publicity.”

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“New York Magazine is a failing magazine, it’s ready to go out of business from what I hear,” said Trump. “They’ll do anything they can, but this is about many men, and I was one of the many men that she wrote about. It’s a totally false accusation. I have absolutely no idea who she is. There’s some picture where we’re shaking hands it looks like at some kind of event. I have my coat on. I have my wife standing next to me, and I didn’t know her husband, but he was a newscaster, but I have no idea who she is, none whatsoever. It’s a false accusation, and it’s a disgrace that a magazine like New York, which is one of the reasons it’s failing, people don’t read it anymore, so they’re trying to get readership by using me. It’s not good.”


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“You know, there were cases that the mainstream media didn’t pick up, and I don’t know if you’ve seen them and they were put on Fox, but there were numerous cases where women were paid money to say bad things about me,” Trump added. “You can’t do that. You can’t do that, and those women did wrong things, that women were actually paid money to say bad things about me. But here’s the case, it’s an absolute disgrace that she’s allowed to do that.”

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Posted - June 24, 2019


  • 11389
    When he first denied knowing her the first thing I thought was ya just like you denied knowing Story even though there were photos of the 2 of them together. Anyway that photo of Trump is funny even his suit looks cheap and ridiculous. Cheers
      June 24, 2019 12:15 PM MDT

  • 46117
    After 16 accusations INCLUDING HIS FIRST WIFE UNTIL HE PAID HER TO SHUT IT FOR EVER.  Then she brags that she got the best of him.  THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER.  Once good-looking people who's characters have shaped their looks and no amount of money will make them BEAUTIFUL EVER AGAIN.  

    Anyway, he has a SET of RESPONSES that ARE IDENTICAL.

    He denies.  He then attacks. Then he starts with how UGLY the woman was (Stormy HORSE FACE DANIELS for starters) and then he 



    IMAGINE ANY ONE PERSON YOU CAN THINK OF getting away with a charge of attack by more than THREE women? GETTING AWAY WITH IT?

    This ANIMAL has attacked 16 women.
      June 24, 2019 12:27 PM MDT

  • 19937
    How come no one ever offered me money for all the bad things I've said about him.  Rosie would be a millionaire if that were true. :) :)
      June 24, 2019 1:38 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I'm sorry Spunk, even ROSIE cannot hold the candle to the TRILLIONARE I would be.
      June 24, 2019 1:41 PM MDT

  • 19937
    That's three picks today - a record for me.  
      June 24, 2019 1:43 PM MDT

  • 5391
    The moron President continues to flatter himself. As if there is a need for monetary reward to speak one’s mind.  Why not mention the countless people who say bad things about him for free? 
      June 24, 2019 2:23 PM MDT