Work hard to do their jobs better. Get more education by going to night school or a trade school while they worked at a job to earn a living by day. I do not recall anyone whining about it. When they were dissatisfied they DID something about it. Something is missing today. More corruption criminal behavior replacing the good old tried and true honesty and hard work. Short cuts. Take the easy way out. Lie. Blame others. Undermine them to make yourself look good. And on and on and on and on and on. Today's people are SOFT and LAZY. They want to start at the top and do as little work as necessary. Not all of them but enough of them to get sick and tired of hearing it. Sure the obscenely wealthy screw us all the time. When was that ever NOT THE CASE?
Now I do recall being unhappy when a woman discovered she was being paid less for doing the same work as a guy. I complained to an owner once about that. I was well-compensated and got great bonuses and raises BUT there were a few slackers (male) who didn't and were paid more just because they had a body part I did not. The owner said he'd make up for it in the yearly bonus. I took my time and left when I was ready to go. It was just bullsh**. It wasn't the AMOUNT of money that mattered to me at all. It was the fact of the DISPARITY that mattered. Long ago and far away thank goodness.