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Discussion » Questions » answerMug » Can Answermug Questioners delete the answers of their respondents? One Answermugger posited that possibility. Why would the system be set up to allow tampering with someone else's words? Does it?

Can Answermug Questioners delete the answers of their respondents? One Answermugger posited that possibility. Why would the system be set up to allow tampering with someone else's words? Does it?


Posted - June 29, 2016


  • 113301

    I never read the blogs Fifi. I don't have time. I'm so far behind in responding to those who answer my questions. I ask so  many questions every day and there is no way I will ever catch up. So my time is focused only on that. I have no idea what goes on elsewhere on Answermug but I cannot imagine a system being set up that would ALLOW anyone but the person who wrote the words to delete them. Perhaps the site monitor has the power to delete offensive answers. That's fine with me. But I prefer to let people have their say and then live or die by their validity. I don't believe in censorship. Period.  Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)

      June 29, 2016 2:07 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you m'dear. I'm a refugee from an internet social site called Answerbag. It folded December 15, 2015 and that's why I'm here. I belonged to  Answerbag from February 2005 till it's demise. A long time. The nice thing is some of the friends I had there are here now and I've made new friends! :)

      June 29, 2016 2:45 AM MDT

  • One sure way to find out ..  Delete me  :)

      June 29, 2016 5:27 AM MDT

  • 221

    No, but Just Asking or Just Saying (you know who i mean) she will delete you answer if you get too frisky. 

      June 29, 2016 5:29 AM MDT

  • 1264

    I don't believe so, I thought only the top brass could do that.

      June 29, 2016 5:33 AM MDT

  • 34941
    No questioners cannot delete replies to their questions. Only Just Asking and other moderators can do that.
    I do believe bloggers may have that option on comments to their blogs.
      June 29, 2016 5:43 AM MDT
  • Bez


    I don't think we can.

      June 29, 2016 6:11 AM MDT

  • 7939

    The system was set up to allow people to delete their own comments, but nobody else's. At this stage, My2Cents and I are the only ones who can delete content that was not posted by us in the Q&A.

    The blogs have a special feature that allow people to choose to approve or not approve new comments, so in that sense, a comment someone posts on a blog may never appear. This is a setting I have totally done away with on the revamped answerMug.

    As of this morning, I became aware of a glitch that is allowing blog posters to remove responses on the posts that they did not add. I do not believe this extends into the Q&A. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, please let me know. Hopefully we can get the blog issue sorted out quickly.

      June 29, 2016 1:43 PM MDT

  • 113301

    m2c? I thought Karen was next in command. m2c has control over people's comments too JA? Has it always been that way? I don't have time for blogs so I don't know what goes on there but an  Answermugger posted on one of my question threads that some of her answers were deleted and she didn't know if they were deleted by the Questioner. I think that would be appalling. So m2c is your right-hand then? What about Karen? I 'm confused. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)

      July 1, 2016 3:34 AM MDT

  • 7939

    I keep the News and Help section updated:

    Karen is no longer an admin here, though she is a member. I don't have a "right hand," but M2C recently volunteered to help moderate the Q&A. She handles things she sees in her normal use of the site, but isn't a site admin like Karen was. 

    While I respect what the mods on AB did, I really never liked that a person could never tell who to contact about things, who removed their content, or why content was removed. For this reason, I try to be the central contact for all member issues. However, I am bringing on more people to help because our membership is growing. The general protocol is that if content gets removed, the member is notified, and the mod logs it in our mod area. So, anyone who has had content removed should always get a letter explaining why it was removed. If it wasn't me that removed it, I still always know what was removed and why. M2C has been awesome. She hasn't removed much, but she always logs it.

    I don't know which member you're referring to, but I would say that if someone has concerns over content being removed, they should contact me. Most of the time, the thing a person thought was missing is still there, just on a different page or a different question. I can play detective and find it.

    As far as members removing responses in the Q&A, that shouldn't be possible, and I have no reason to believe it has happened. Nobody has reported anything and I haven't seen anything go missing, so unless that specific member contacts me and tells me why they think something is gone and what that something is, I can't offer any further insights.

      July 1, 2016 3:58 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I hope she doesn't mind my telling you. I don't see why she should. It is hartfire. I did tell her to contact you for clarification but that I was pretty sure Questioner's could not remove a respondent's reply. I mean what is the point of asking questions if you are just going to edit out the answers you don't like? Thank you for the info. I appreciate it. You don't answer many of my questions but I'm sure you are aware that I ask a lot of them. I also get a lot of replies and I will never catch up replying to them. Right now I have almost 500 alerts and I spend hours each morning replying and asking. What is most wonderful here is that all I have to do is ask the questions and the members take over. They reply and then o thers see those replies and dialogue begins. Some threads become very long and I am not missed at all! I LOVE that! I don't have any time to read blogs or stroll around. to see what else is there. I have no idea if any of my questions have ever been removed because once I ask them I forget about them unless I get replies. But you would notify me if any were removed? Would you also tell me why? That was something that was so annoying on Answerbag. You had a bunch of CL's and never knew which one did the removing and you NEVER were apprised of the reason. I mean if I don 't know what I did wrong how can I stop doing it ? I"m not a mind reader. I like that we don't get points and there is nothing to compete for. Folks show up to chat. That's  all I want to do. I don't get involved in battles. I ignore the rude folks. I'm a happy Answermugger.  Thanks JA! :)

      July 1, 2016 4:36 AM MDT

  • 7939

    Thanks for the info, Rosie. I'll follow up with her.

    No, I don't get a lot of time for the Q&A these days, but I hope to get back into it soon. I see your questions every morning when I log on and it makes me smile, even though I don't get to answer. :) You've always asked the most insightful things. 

    Yes, we explain why content gets removed, for exactly the reason you mention. When most people have something removed, it's because they didn't know of a rule. I think because we spend more time communicating, we do a whole lot less "moderating." 

      July 1, 2016 5:05 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I make you smile daily? That is a very kind thing to tell me. Thank you. I never understood the logic behind Answerbag CL's removing things and never letting us know why. That's like taking a DMV test, being told you didn't pass and not going over with you what you got wrong!  I just want to know the WHY of everything. Of course that is the Why of why I ask  questions. Thank you for the compliment as well. I appreciate it JA. :)

      July 1, 2016 6:55 AM MDT

  • 22891

    never heard of that happening here

      July 3, 2016 8:39 PM MDT

  • 46117

    No.  Just Asking can.  It's her call.  But she will tell you first and you can discuss it with her.  I tell her to not bother telling me, just take it off. 

      July 3, 2016 8:41 PM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your reply pearl.

      July 4, 2016 2:38 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your reply Sharonna.

      July 4, 2016 2:39 AM MDT