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50% of WHITE WOMEN voted for the sb prez? Allegedly? Why?

Posted - June 29, 2019


  • 4624
    Beats me.
    I was incredulous that Trump ever became a candidate.
    I did not believe enough people would be so stupid as to vote for such an ignorant, narcissistic, grandiose oaf.

    I don't believe it was solely the problem of who voted for him.
    More Dems voted for Obama than Repubs for Trump -
    but the constitution gives the Electoral College the final say -
    and they voted for Trump against the will of the people.
    The Constitution scews the system in favour of conservatism.

    Then the other problem was that too few Dems turned out to vote, particularly young people.
    I believe that may change at the next election, not least in reaction to the massacres in high schools.

    But it really is important for citizens not to turn away from politics in apathy and cynicism.
    It's important for older people to explain to younger ones why voting is important.

    This post was edited by inky at June 30, 2019 3:15 AM MDT
      June 29, 2019 10:04 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Many folks are just too dam* lazy to get up off their butts to vote. You can vote by mail er cryin's out loud! We do. We vote early. The internet provides a place to do your due diligence and investigate the candidates so that when you decide for whom you are going to vote YOU ARE INFORMED. Same with the other things on the ballot like propositions or judges or supervisors. It is so little to ask of citizens but the indifference amazes me. They just don't give a rat's a ** who is in charge. I cannot understand or comprehend why that is bw.  If only some of us care then what happens at election time is what we deserve. Those of us who care can't pull the load alone and expect to get anywhere. To say I am disgusted with those so-called "citizens' is an understatement. Lazy bums. No excuse. We rise and fall based on all of us. SIGH.  Thank you for your reply. The defense of monstrous men continues to shock. I will never be able to figger out where the defect happened. At inception in utero? Nature or nurture forms these people more? I dunno. I give up. All I can do is be me and keep on truckin'. What others do is up to them.  SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply!  :)
      June 30, 2019 3:22 AM MDT